Tell us more about the lake. Public? Private? Who sets the regs?
25 bass to restock a 72 acre lake is WAY too low and the bluegill have taken over for sure. There may be a ton more bass now, but they will never have enough food due to the competition from large gills. There is a lot more information in the lake management section of this site (linked below). But if you can't get buy-in from who controls the lake, it is a lost cause. P.S. I help manage a private 53 acre lake, but I still have a lot to learn.
A few options:
1. Aggressive removal of dinks for the dinner plate. Just to keep ours in check, the local biologist advised us to remove 1,000 lbs of bass per year from our lake (your lake would be slightly more). We remove everything in the 10"-15" range unless it is an absolute football-shaped stud. Since already overcrowded, you could probably double that figure easily.
2. Aggressive stocking of bait fish. This may just be a temporary treatment unless it is continual, which makes it costly too. To be honest, the current fish may be too stunted to ever recover, but some could eventually make it better.
3. Stock new bass from different gene pools. I would only do this after 1 and 2 have been implemented for a while, but you will eventually need to supplement the genetics in the water to get better quality fish.
4. Talk to a local fisheries biologist for suggestions and stocking/recovery plan.
5. Wipe out the whole fish population and start over correctly. This is by far not the most popular option, but sometimes it can be the only option. It will take years to grow large bass afterward, but the rewards can be worth it. The problem here is, if it isn't managed correctly, you'll be right back in the same boat (pun intended). Stocking plans vary by your goals and the amount of work you want to do or money you want to spend, it must be researched thoroughly before beginning.
Also check out the pond boss forum, they are the real pros.