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  1. What's the differences. Which is better? Looking for a longer rod in medium heavy for frogging
  2. Any good rod tip replacements for an Abu Garcia rod?
  3. Thoughts on ishs phat frog???
  4. It's a real pain in the a** it frays my line :/
  5. How do you fish it. When I try to fish it like a regular walking bait it only moves to one side
  6. The tip of my blackmaxx lost the insert. Now when I cast and reel the line runs against it and it doesn't cast very well. Kind of over the blackmaxx rods they r trash and this is my second one the first one I owned did the same thing.
  7. Some people hate this bait some people love it. Any thoughts on the Spro bronzeye shad?
  8. Anyone have any luck with the river2sea frogs?( Bully wa and spittin wa)
  9. Do they effect the fish though?
  10. A few of the bass and mostly bluegill in my pond have these little white bumps in their tails. Are they parasites? I've also heard its from stress fanning their beds. Any one else see this before?
  11. I gotta step my game up
  12. Can't tell if this is a muskrat run into a den. Had a guy come down to the pond to trap them but he said there were no signs of muskrats anywhere. I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to tell something is been digging holes in the banks! Anyone else have this problem? Or is it one of those d**n squatchesl
  13. Don't think this is a muskrat hole but I'm not sure anyone seen this before or know what inhabits it?
  14. Muskrats have eaten away at the banks of my pond. Could I use concrete to fill in the collapsed holes? Anyone else have this problem?
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