i am in maquoketa and would be very interested in fishing with you dont know any areas down that far but know every inch of water from belleview to dubuque mississippi river
you to are perfect together
you come on here crying she did this she did that but you always go back for more.
just think what your doing to your kids what they see and hear everyday they probally think this is normal
PLEASE break the cycle raise your kids the right way with out all the drama
your kids learn from there parents whats right and wrong and let me say u2 are going a hell of a good job
I am able to get a new phone my options are iphone 4 free
i phone 5 $100
what im looking is 1 that takes the best pictures, takes a beating, and easiest to learn.
not sure of the galaxy models there was also aneither brand
my carrier is us celluar
I think that is the wrong advice i would explain turn the other cheek to him teaching him to use violence wont sholve his problems but make them worse. If all else fails then you deck them
are you sure it was a scam and your buddy didnt just rob somebody of there home depot $100 gift card.
Probally not something to brag about I rember seeing you warn others about doing illegal actives and just wanted to poke some fun back at ya
I would have to fish with you to give my 2 cents what your doing wrong if anything.
My solution would be to buy rods with great warrentys
I also break 2 or 3 rods a year but I fish every weekend and during the week
I use braid only and have my drags all the way tight but only broke 1 rod on hookset but i banged it off trolling motor head before hookset so sure blanks had a weak spot.
thats one of the funniest things i have read in a while. New rod so just take it back. Warranty covers breakage not guide inserts falling out. You have to send the rod in for warranty work and that isnt very practicle.
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