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Landis Carrier

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About Landis Carrier

  • Birthday May 14

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  • Location
    Brodheadsville, Pa
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
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  1. Another vote for the Flambeau Tuff Krate.
  2. Like others have said if you can stand it’s one of the best flipping and pitching platforms. Sitting it can be tough but can be done. I have an OT AP120 and it’s super stable. Most newer SOT fishing kayaks are very stable and easy to stand it.
  3. I’m one of those people who fill up their gas tank at a half tank because I don’t want to run out! I’d rather have more power available than run out. Fishing lakes and running all day from spot to spot and using spot lock I rarely use more than 30-40% of the battery. However if I fish a river and use spot lock frequently to hold me in the current I’ll use more. like I said….I’d rather have more fuel in the tank! I have the Malone Wide Track cart that I use to move it from the shed to my truck. I hand unload and load at the lake or river. In my opinion….you will not be unhappy with this kayak!
  4. I’ve had my AP120 since October 2020. Used it all last year and I paid full price for it! Ha! I came from a Jackson Cuda and the stability in OT is unbelievable. You can stand, turn around, fish standing sideways, walk to the front and on and on. There’s plenty of room, the storage area behind the seat is huge. I fit my crate, lunch bag and Money Bags of soft plastics. I really got into flipping and pitching last year and standing is a must….zero issues in the kayak! I went with a 100ah lithium battery and I’ve never come close to running out of power. Plus they’re lighter than lead acid. the only downside is the weight but without the battery and motor in it…it’s not bad at all. I load it in the back of my truck with no issues.
  5. As many have said, a post through the scupper hole is not a good idea. I’ve used the Anchor Wizard for a couple year and really love it!
  6. I bough an AP120 in October 2020 and I absolutely love it! Fantastic fishing platform!
  7. Neither. Ha! Way late response but I live in the area and both lakes are fished super hard! Not a lot of public lakes in NE Pa. If I had to chooses I’d take Gouldsboro. More structure to fish.
  8. I absolutely love fishing water like that! The slop that not many other like.
  9. Keep up the fight Aaron! Lots of us praying for your recovery!
  10. Look into a Anchor Wizard. They work great while fishing in the wind in a kayak.
  11. Not yet. It just happened yesterday AM. I plan on calling them tomorrow. Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciate.
  12. It does have a lifetime warranty but for me to prove that it was a manufactures defect will be pretty much futile. I mainly just wanted to know if anyone has any other suggestions on flipping and pitching rods.
  13. So I’m a big Dobyns fan but I’ve had a bunch a issues from guides breaking, coming loose and snapped rods and yes I do take pretty good care of my equipment. Today while flipping mats and bringing a fish in, my Dobyns Champion 736 C FH snapped. I am going to replace it but thinking about another brand. Any suggestion in the under $325 price range? I know I can replace the Dobyns under warranty for half price but weighting options.
  14. I’ve been a kayak fisherman for quite a few years and late last year I purchased an Old Town Auto Pilot 120 with Minn Kota motor and Spot Lock. It’s made fishing a little more enjoyable for me because I’ll wonder a little further and I can fish while I’m on my way there. It’s also really increased my fishing time on the water and makes fishing a bank much easier. I don’t think it’s for everyone but it’s great for me and I just don’t want a boat….at least not yet! Too each their own! As long as we’re fishing who cares what you’re using to get on the water!
  15. Depends on where I’m going and for how long. Few hours on a local lake 4 rods. All day on a bigger lake 6-7.
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