Honest and real is I have NEVER offered (or implied I was trying) to sell them on a this or any forum, I posted them and wanted comments positive or negative about the lures to help me make them more attractive if someone saw something about them they didn't like even. I brought them up and people offered to buy them (NOT my intention). My INTENTION is not to have to try to hit every fishing discussion forum and try to pimp these dang things one or 2 at a time for a weeks worth of posting, that is a BIG waste of my time. The truth is I am very proud of them and I like showing them off. When I talk about "Selling them in the future" I am not talking about selling to the guys who are buying them now through word of mouth. I mean REALLY selling them, big time-nation wide with thier own site and really trying to promote them, not just the last page on my saanother sitell/woodworking website.
The ones I said I sold were on a site that had a CLASSIFIEDS section...that I was invited to post in by a member who had seen them and liked them. The rest I sold we as a result of that classified ad. An Admin. from another board saw my ad and guys I didn't even know were talking about me at his site and he sent me an e-mail saying "Send me a free lure, and you can sell them over at my site " I greased his palm and sold some there too with his help. That was an invitation to sell on a forum from the guy who runs the site. http://2coolfishing.com/ttmbforum/showthread.php?t=80305&page=1&pp=10 , here is a link to that classified ad that started the little chain reaction I am talking about. If you want to take the time to read it, maybe it will give you a better idea of how I do business. I don't beat around the bush and talk abunch of crap, I'm straight up.
I did not come to this forum to sell lures to you guys, anyone who has bought one from here please respond calling me on it (there ain't nobody...I got some notes from some, but I have not sold them any that's not what I am here to do.) I even waited a couple days before I posted after I registered, I was leary someone would take my idea who was already set up to sell large amounts and run with it.
You said I only posted the first note a few days before the next one when I said I had sold some, that is a fact, that is the timeline. I only made my first "figured wood lure" less than 4 weeks ago. I joined this forum to get some advice on making and selling lures. I need to get up to speed, they are getting attention I had not planned on and I was not sure what the to do since this is a new thing for me. I am a custom woodworker and do custom saanother sitelling, I have never made something THEN tried to sell it. I only take orders for exactly what people want, then I do the work.
I am not being hateful, but that really rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe you got the impression I was a snake in the grass. I am posting this as a response to let you know I am not, and don't like being read that way, just in case anyone has the same impression.