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Everything posted by YoTone

  1. sweet catches in this sweet thread. where in philly do you reside?
  2. a few weeks ago i decided to try it out but put it on my chatterbait. next thing i know im reeling in what i think was a monster largemouth but turned out to be a striped bass.
  3. id be happy to only lose that in a day.
  4. yah well i fish from the banks of philly. i shutter to think whats actually down there in some of those spots.
  5. *cues the benny hill theme song* real productive day in the loss column for me. decided to fish today even though it started to rain. lost 2 wacky worm rigs and 2 jigs. decided to take out the spinner bait and smashed it into my other pole breaking the bottom guide including messing up the spinner while creating a nasty birdsnest. all done in less than 1 hour. *pats self on back*
  6. love that part at 3:40 when you see that bass going for the attack
  7. this thread would be better with funny captions of what the fish was thinking.
  8. yah i sure was naive. it was a secluded type of spot and over the last few weeks i kept seeing brand new lures at low tide. i felt bad for whomever lost them so i tried to do the right thing. wouldnt stop me from doing it again though.
  9. Went out to this spot that i go fishing during my lunch and see this old guy fishing there, i say hello and he talked about some other spots near. one of the spots i know about and i asked him if he lost any lures there because i found a bunch during low tide. he says no, so anyways on my way back from lunch a few minutes later and i had a hunch something was fishy. i go back to the box i made and half of it was missing. i see his thieving butt come out of a spot retying his lure and he says he just lost it, He then said he just wanted to try it out but got snagged and lost it. i then asked about the other stuff that was missing and he was like idk. i felt like kicking him in the water right then. sorry if im posting in the wrong section but im just venting out.
  10. you and me both brother. im still trying to find a consistent hole here. its so erratic that its driving me nuts.
  11. im new to south philly for fishing and i have limited times to get my lines wet. since i work and live near the airport, thats where i try my luck. im still hunting for newer spots though, im now trying out the tidal parts of the d/skuke areas but its tricky with it being tide dependent since my original area is now covered in lily pads. where did you fish when your back was good enough?
  12. i wonder if any manufacturers are reading this thread rubbing their hands together and laughing evilly
  13. not exactly a quick drive. im assuming youre fishing from a boat. never fish the local waters?
  14. been fishing just south of philly. caught my pb last week near the airport.
  15. i googled the deps side swimmer and almost spat out my coffee when i saw the price....
  16. explain the rod and reel loss.
  17. went to dicks sporting good and bought a few stuff and promptly lost a new jig the next day. on a side note, i got my precious chatterbait hung up on a tree branch at this lake in nj and i waved some guys in boat to get it for me. i would of chopped most of that tree down to get it back. a few days later i caught a striper with it. im seriously contemplating retiring it. has anyone retired a lure that caught a personal best?
  18. thanks she was legal too. 22 inches and the limit is 21-25 inches in my area. everyone around here says use blood worms but in her belly was a decent sized shad.
  19. thanks, i had no idea of the chatterbait could catch something like this
  20. went out for largemouth on the delaware right after work. broke out the chatterbait and hooked this..
  21. i was about to this past weekend when i got my chatterbait got hung up on a tree branch over the water. my wife thought i was crazy when she saw me taking off my clothes. it was the chatterbait that i just caught my personal best a week before. luckily i saw some guys on a boat and waved them down and asked for their help.
  22. bank you should see my other thread if you want to read even more depressing posts.
  23. amen! just caught my PB yesterday!
  24. first catch ever on the chatter bait. she's a hair off of 4 lbs.
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