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Everything posted by YoTone

  1. im no expert on anything but the main point is that you will spook a ton of bass if you continue to casually walk up to the bank. ive caught a few after recognizing this and correcting myself.
  2. get some polarized sunglasses and you will.
  3. is there any real proof that fishing pressure effects bass? i mean, dont bass only have 15 minutes of memory? i believe theres some truth to it but are there any real facts?
  4. i see the live target floating bluegill everywhere.
  5. sweet, ive always wanted to fish further up. i do my fishing in south philly mostly and im dying to catch a small mouth.
  6. i was so geeked to catch a few early this year that i was probably fishing too fast and putting way too much pressure on myself mentally. now that i got a few under my belt ive learned to relax while concentrating on my technique. my hook sets now are much cleaner and as a result ive been catching more bass.
  7. for me it depends on where im fishing. lately ive been messing with a keitech fat or a fluke which has been working, but nothing big lately.
  8. weightless swim bait paused in his line of sight with slight twitches?
  9. its not that hard. after one or two days i felt pretty comfortable. yeah youre going to get nasty birds nest but i find that having your thumb on the spool while its casting helps prevent that a lot,
  10. if its like 4 times being skunked i go to my dink pond and take out my anger on half pounders.
  11. i recently had this thought running in my head. i saw a bass less than 2 feet away from me and wasnt phased that i was there. i threw all sorts of lures and spooked her a few times but she kept on returning to the same spot. later on i felt bad that i was picking on a fish that was trying to guard her bed. if that scenario happens again i think ill try my best to not target a fish guarding a bed. just didnt seem right.
  12. he cant answer you. hes currently incarcerated for habitual trespassing .
  13. i kinda twirl it around once to get momentum and do a sideways/underhand kind of cast and its been working for me. but then again this is my first season with one too. i also feather the spool with my thumb when casting. that has prevented a lot of blacklashes i think.
  14. thanks but thats a lie and you know it!!!!!!!
  15. my regular pole was a stiff medium and i keep it in my car to use for work and then at night. well since my cars in the shop i left my pole at work and decided to go out with my light action rod. got super bored using it with a weightless yum dinger so i decided to use a texas rigged craw with a bullet weight. i fished for a few hours getting bit by mosquitoes and towards the end i get what i was after, i lifted the pole and she fought hard. had a exciting 10 second fight and was thinking it must be a 4 lbs. then in a flash she spat it out. i was in shock as i reeled in my bait to see it and my heart sank when i saw the hook was still in the craw. if i had a stronger rod i would of set the hook. i feel like such a turd right now and i need a stiff drink...
  16. great now i want one too
  17. my 1 punch varies but my 2nd punch is always a wacky rigged dinger
  18. how do yall fish it? weightless? slow retrieve with twitches?
  19. when i buy the $4+ jigs i tend to not toss it into places that i should be. a $2.39 booyah baby jig ill toss into anything and not get worried about getting snagged and losing it.
  20. 2 jigs, 1 chatterbait, beef jerky and a pack of newports.
  21. like many others have said that when you first approach a spot you plan on fishing try to cast to it when youre a good 10-20 ft away. there were so many times walking up to a spot where i wanted to set up shop and spooked bass that was chilling by the shoreline.
  22. just lost a baby booyah jig this morning, it just snapped off my line. this jig hurt because i was just starting to enjoy it and got some sweet bass in the few days i used it.
  23. i bank fish during my lunch hour. the things that suck for me is that im always fishing in super tight spots and not so public areas. my go to lure are the smaller jigs and wacky stick baits.
  24. this is my first season bass fishing and im doing it from the bank. just use simple techniques like wacky rigged worms, jigs and soft plastic swim baits. i find that most if not all my bigger bass has been caught with in 10 feet of where im casting. i find that having a clear mind while fishing also helps. wanting to catch a fish so badly that it'll mess your technique up like reeling or jigging too quickly. good luck bro, it'll come.
  25. not a terrible weekend. only lost 1 jigg and a keitech fat on a jig head. bought some wacky hooks with the guard thats helped stay out out my yum dinger bag
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