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Everything posted by YoTone

  1. in the back? not trying to blow up spots but i tried half halfheartedly very early in the year with no luck . are you referring to the spot before the entrance to fort mifflin or? btw im in south philly and i fish fdr and heinz with some moderate success
  2. you pulled bass out of those fort mifflin ponds?
  3. are state records separated by live vs artificial baits?
  4. when you still get lost with a gps in your car because youre mainly looking at the bodies of water on the map instead of which exit to take.
  5. springton reservoir lol
  6. never thought about it because ive caught dinks on the 130.
  7. yes it is, but after fiddling with it a few times you kind of know which way to bend it to swim correctly.
  8. might as well get a double plopper too. its pretty fragile but you can use it in thicker areas where the regular plopper picks up too much debris.
  9. i like the 130 better just because i like how it floats easier than the 90.
  10. ive had fun days with mine. its just so fragile that after i brushed it against a tree limb it took forever for me to get it to swim perfect. runs nicely over areas where a regular plopper would get pick up too much milfoil and hydrilla.
  11. late May in Westchester NY, standing on a huge fallen tree and tossed a jig in a fork of the tree. felt a nice tug and set the hook and pulled up a 5 pounder. it happened so close to where i was at that the whole thing from the cast to her in my hand was probably less than 5 seconds. in fact most of my biggest catches were like that. over before i even realized what happened. not that im complaining but i always envisioned one of those long fights with a huge bass with her jumping and fighting like crazy.
  12. the only hard bait that worked for me last week when i was lake fishing for smallies was the black 130 plopper
  13. thanks diablojoe, but my vacation is sadly over and i wasnt bank fishing. the way i had the most action was right at the drop offs on the north western side. my anchor wasnt up the challenge so it was hard maintaining position but i did land a few more in that area. thanks for the tips guys.
  14. went out this morning to attack the north west side just where it started to drop off. tossed the jig with the most realistic craw i had and dragged it till i felt my line heavy and hauled up this 2 lber. tomorrow ill hit that spot first for a few then race down south and work my way up the west side.
  15. update, went out an hour before dusk and fished the plopper in the north west part of the lake in shallows and got this, my first smallie.
  16. well im still not sure where to cover in the deeper parts so i went with what i know. i went shallow and looked for cover along the banks on the north west side of that lake. had a few misses but i managed to catch a lmb that was hugging the banks in some grass on the plopper. ill target the same areas where i saw activity on the surface then move further south along the banks tomorrow. at least i beat the skunk but im still looking for a smallie.
  17. this morning did not go out well. the anchor i have did not hold up to the wind. i tried the ne side and it was a mess with the strong wind making a joke out of the anchor i used. the shallows are all beach like with no structure at all. ill try the north west side and try to locate docks to target. this super clear water is also intimidating because it looks like theres no life in it. like a big sand pit. i guess i should of invested in electronics. but i still have like 3 mornings left to try to catch something but things will have to improve tomorrow
  18. thanks, so ive highlighted in purple where i think i should target first. am i correct for hitting those spots?
  19. After spending last night sorting through my tackle to get ready for my vacation on Cape Cod i was staring at my $1 Walmart spinner that ive never used. Decided to hit my local lake at night right after the rain and got this. Had another one that dwarfed this one but my stupid ass tried to heave her up while on a small bridge. It was inches away from being landed until the line broke off while rubbing on the stone ledge. this catch barely takes away from the sting but what ever.
  20. 30 lbs braided on a medium heavy rod. ive been tossing it in the morning, then on my lunch hour and at dusk.
  21. I like the tactical anglers power clips. they dont even have a working website.
  22. After having success on the 90 and the 130 ploppers i decided to put down the cash for the double plopper. after trying it out i found out how different it is from the plopper. first off you cannot fish it fast or else it will lift, you have to bring it in painfully slow. while doing so i had a few strikes but like most buzz baits with one hook the short strikes were all i could manage. like the 90's you kinda have to wait a few seconds after you cast it out to float back up. im figuring if you had a trailer hook it might take longer. on the plus side you can bring it over matted grass fairly easy. i guess thats one of the main reasons to use it. to me that would be the only reason to use it. Lastly, its one of the most fragile lures ive ever tossed. i accidentally clipped a branch and bent the wire on one of the mini plopper and ive been trying to get it to swim correctly since. Since i bought two of them, i most likely will be giving one away to a friend.
  23. so it seems every ones take is to go shallow early. where would you target if the bass arent in the shallows? should i target those lines where it marks the deeper part starts?
  24. thanks bro! ive never really fished where i can access those depths. im usually a bank angler so im kinda intimidated by the challenge. this is also the first time looking at a map like this and trying to base where i fish off of it.
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