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Everything posted by YoTone

  1. 4lbs on a bladed jig. was in the thick pads. crazy fight pulling her through that slop.
  2. yah sorry i was in the middle of trying to delete that post, i just realized that it didnt come with the drive. the prices for both of those seem way too much for me.
  3. Wow that price is pretty attractive. i checked out a Hobie outback a few days ago, talk about sticker shock. I was seriously looking at the Perception Pescador Pilot, which is selling for $1,800 but now I seen this one for about the same price.
  4. 6 lbs on a picasso shock blade with a lake fork trailer.
  5. make sure you bring that anchor. it can make or break your day. which lake are ya fishing?
  6. what would be the advantage with fluorocarbon over mono or vicea versa as a leader for braid?
  7. would 10lbs leader be too light for 30lbs braid? saying this cos i see some seagar red label 10lbs for like $6.50
  8. do you use braid as a main line? what size line and leader do you use?
  9. Ive been wondering if anyone uses a lighter line as a leader to save line during hang ups? I use 30lbs braid and I hate it when i get snagged on a long cast and lose a ton of line. Sometimes with just 2 or 3 snags I need to respool. Do people who use a fluorocarbon leader line to braid find that you dont need to respool as often? And would size leader line would be ideal for 30lbs braid?
  10. Ugh, that Lure 13 is what ive been looking at. I found one used and was wondering how bad it would be to car top. Do you try to car top it on a suv or a regular sized sedan?
  11. The Perception Pilot is what im looking into. Hard to beat that price for a new pedal propulsion kayak. If I cant find a used native at a price im willing to pay i might go this route.
  12. i just take a big bite out of each bass i catch.
  13. good luck as well. maybe this is a wake up call and its never too late to start introducing a better lifestyle that will enable you to do the things you love. btw whats physically wrong with you?
  14. yeah because thats the usual route of the majority who smokes end up....
  15. the 130 loon caught me my first small mouth in the middle of the night. the sound it made by being crushed by it is still in my head.
  16. YoTone


  17. wow and i just got done watching him in the 1976 bass master classic on youtube like 5 minutes ago.
  18. thats great stuff. 5 plate deads is impressive stuff. ive heard way too many horror stories with heavy dead lifts and heavy squats so im not big on the power lifting thing. Seeing people grow old is a scary thing and you can always point out the guy whos been exercising on a regular basis a mile away. those who do not will pay the big price if they get lucky enough to reach their 60's. once i get to a decent size i will try to incorporate HIT and cardiovascular training. i just want to add 10 or more pounds of muscle to my body and then try to maintain it from then on.
  19. well i just mess around with dumbbells. i do enjoy the chest press and pull ups and over head presses. i run a typical body part split. i mostly do it for the aesthetics.
  20. lol well once i dive into something i get that tunnel vision and just become obsessive. being obsessive can be destructive to everything around you, like being a family man, if you dont check youself but its the only way for me to get results in either weight lifting or bass fishing. this next season ill try to mix in both but that usually means mediocre results in both passions.
  21. lift weights and try to get back all the muscle i lost while being overly obsessed with bass fishing. to put it in to perspective before i rediscovered my love for fresh water bass fishing i was lifting weights to gain muscle mass. 3 years before that i was a sickly 115 lbs at 5'7'' . it took 3 grueling years to get up to 157 lbs by lifting and eating like crazy. then all of a sudden i got into bass fishing and lost almost everything i worked for and shriveled up to 128 lbs in 8 months. i didnt care about nutrition or lifting just catching bass. people were asking me if i had cancer or became a crack addict the way i lost so much weight. lol now that the seasons over im trying to get back to respectable size but will probably lose 80% of it when spring starts.
  22. ebay sellers can offer up some decent vibrating jigs for as little as $4.19 with free shipping. i bought one a few weeks ago and it seemed to chatter well but i lost it like 10 minutes later so i dont know how well it catches bass.
  23. most of the time i bank fish so my number one priority is casting accuracy.
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