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Everything posted by YoTone

  1. d**n you got some meaty pecs ever do any direct trap building movements?
  2. if its a week id check out florida. i mean if you get bored of bass fishing theres so many other species to catch there. you got lmbs, peacock bass, snook, tarpons, ect.
  3. my brother in law got this. he's jewish so now he cant get buried in a jewish cemetery because of that now.
  4. just received a brand new reel a few days ago and was told they will be sending me 2 new rods soon. im glad because if i didnt get what i thought i deserved i was definitely was going to abandon the daiwa brand.
  5. yah but it was like a 1lber.
  6. well i had another rod, a 3 piece ardito that i snapped a few months before that. i kinda thought it was my fault trying to un snag my lure and it broke. never really dawned on me that Daiwa might replace it. and when the clutch broke on the reel i just bought a tatula to replace it and figured it was an upgrade. Ive never really sent back any stuff to any company. i thought it was too much of a hassle but i figured why not this time. i do feel that the tatula rod shouldnt of broke and was kinda annoyed when it did.
  7. BTW you might want to hold off on buying a slayer as the Titan 10 will be released soon.
  8. ive used one for a few weeks. its not bad but $14 is kinda steep for a frog in my opinion. mine got hammered big time by a snakehead and now it takes in too much water. i dont think ill be buying another one. i find a top toad or a scum big foot will do the job just the same.
  9. hobie has an inflatable kayak with the mirage drive but its pretty pricey. you can get a decent paddle inflatable for a quarter of the price and will get you on the water. just make sure you have a proper heavy anchor. the wind can really slap you around in any kayak but in an inflatable you will get into some trouble.
  10. you can dock and leave a jon boat in some locations. I used an inflatable kayak for a number of years with decent results.
  11. thanks guys. i just tossed all my daiwa gear, 2 poles and a exceller reel into a package and shipped it out a few days ago. wish me luck.
  12. well the ones ive been using at night has been a 3/8th oz sized black buzz baits from ebay. the sellers store hunter creek. you can buy and have it shipped to your door for under $5 bucks. hard to beat that deal in my opinion. ive also had success with a black colorado spinner bait. the ones at walmart work just as good as the pricier ones. and if you get snagged and break off its only a dollar.
  13. i fish around that area and yeah, its been no easy task for me to consistently catch bass. try tossing a buzz bait at night.
  14. funny, i usually leave the clearer waters for cloudier waters.
  15. I do and ive spent this year fishing out of it. I bought it mainly for ease of transportation and i can load and unload with no problem. I havent bought much accessories for it other than a paddle holder. Dont really know how fast i can pedal but i can move at a decent pace. its really is an awesome fishing kayak. I think its wider than the standard 13 but anyways standing on it is very stable.
  16. yeah @fishballer youre right its really that plain and simple isnt it...
  17. Caught a dink less than a pound and while trying to land it the rod tip snapped. I dont think I abused the rod while doing so. I bought the tatula rod under a year ago, will they honor the claim or will they say it was from abuse?
  18. earlier this year i snagged a line that had a castaic buzzbait. it was my go to bait all spring and summer till i dropped it in the water like an idiot. i had some epic days with it and it still stings that i dont have it anymore.
  19. Oh my lord thats huge. are double digit snake heads common over there?
  20. cast left reel right. thinking about trying a lh baitcaster because my kayaks steering lever is on the left. its a pain to hold a rod and steer with the left hand. ive tried left hand reels, didnt feel natural but im sure with time i could adapt.
  21. Oh wow, i completely forgot to thank you for the info. It was rough! fishing clear waters like that was definitely new. I tried blue lagoon several times and only got a few followers. went on google maps and fished some sketchy canals in the city but no takers. one of my last ditch efforts was to try tropical park and i was lucky enough to catch a peacock bass on a rappala skitter pop. I think a clear leader definitely helped. like i said, i totally forgot to thank you so my apologies.
  22. Ive only been targeting areas that also include northern snake heads. their top water strikes and fights are just so violent that i cant ignore.
  23. only real difference when im fishing from a kayak or shore is that i wont throw a non top water treble hook lure bank fishing. bank fishing with crank baits have cost me a lot of money on snags.
  24. 7'3 Line:15-30lb Lure weight :1/2-2oz
  25. There was a contest here recently and for the first time in my life i actually won something. its a Daiwa celios extra heavy fast. Im assuming its a pitching rod into heavy cover but i really havent tried that. if i see heavy cover i tend to use a frog. What other technique can I use this rod for. Im not really into big heavy swimbaits but i do jig fish. Maybe try and trade it for something else?
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