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Everything posted by YoTone

  1. TW has them on sale. I was looking at them for chatter baits but the lure rating is 1/2 to 1 1/2 and its a heavy rated glass rod. I typically throw 3/8th sized chatterbaits and was wondering if its too light of a lure to use for that rod. And lastly i wanted to know the general opinions on using glass for chatterbaits. is it really needed?
  2. i think i had a similar problem and diawa told me its was a bad pinion and/or drive gear. if youre still under warranty id ship it to them.
  3. i heard someone asked a friend why he enjoyed what he does on his free time (ju jitsu) and his answer made sense why anyone chases a passion. he said it makes him suffer. once he said that it totally made sense why i chase bass. all those countless days of getting sunked sometimes in brutal conditions is humbling. but once in a while things line up , all those hours of slaving away cast after cast makes that catch so much sweeter.
  4. amazon has the revo4 x for $59 for cyber monday.
  5. Im fond of the hack attack jig
  6. All i know is that i found a black and blue chatterbait one day early in the year and caught fish all year round at all times of the day in every condition except really clear water.
  7. Maybe i should start doing wrist curls then create a weight training program suited for bass fishing. LMAO having problems with hook sets? Join now and Ill show you one simple trick in the gym that will solve that problem that no one in the industry wants you to know about!!
  8. OK but then why are reel weights listed though?
  9. The rods I use for frogging really seem to fatigue me . Im finding you have to do a hard search for their weight. Isnt the weight of a rod one of the more important aspects for applications where walking or jerking a lure using the wrist?
  10. where you fish off of is also a thing to consider. most people who recommend 7"+ sticks are usually fishing from a boat where the rod tip is well below feet level. from the bank where you are level with the water walking a frog with a downward twitch can be hard cos the tip will come too close to the water. a persons height also plays a factor as well with what ive mentioned. Im 5'8'' and fish off a kayak and i use a 6'10 MH tatula rod for frogs and poppers where twitching motion is very important to me. its a very light rod so i dont get fatigued using it.
  11. I use the popping perch and ive caught some decent bass on them. my only complaint is that the skirt tail strands can tear off easily and its noticeable if one side has a few less than the other. they are not a gimmick in my eyes but in the end it is a hollow body popping frog with a different skirt design.
  12. I use my pedal kayak as an excuse to skip leg days in the warmer months. Not looking to build muscle in the summer so it helps in keeping my legs in decent condition. Sometimes I pedal hard for short busts for no other reason than a mild leg work out.
  13. think about looking at pedal kayaks. Im not a rich guy by any means but I will never own a kayak with out one. makes covering water, especially in wind a piece of cake. If you add in current with the wind it can be down right a pain and even dangerous at times to move around . wouldnt you want your strongest muscles in your body to help you power your kayak? In shallow or very weedy situations you can just flip up the pedal unit and you have a regular kayak. That Cuda is pretty expensive and near the range of a few pedal kayaks. you can even find used ones cheaper than that jackson. Good luck on your choice either way bro.
  14. Funny you bring this up. I was browsing the app fish brain catches for muskies and there was this fool also on the Alleghany that was boasting about his state record catch. Must be something in that water that makes anglers there delusional. makes them look foolish to me for boasting about stuff like records with nothing to show other than that. It ruins their catch in my eyes. This guy guy claims that muskie is 70 lbs! Quick call the press!!!
  15. Has to be a popper. something about twitching it and having it smashed on the pause is for me the most exciting thing about fishing. same can be said for a frog thats walked in place.
  16. i use both but more a chatterbait but i like spinnerbait fishing because its so d**n fun!
  17. I think its one of those things that once you feel each side retrieve you will instantly feel comfortable with one or the other with no real explanation other than that. \
  18. YoTone


  19. YoTone


    This year Ive taken poppers seriously. Early in the season I used the Storm Cover pop to win me my first tournament. One thing I liked about that popper was how thick and meaty the trebles are. Like everyone said varying the retrieve is good but my main one is the twitch, twitch pause twitch. That retrieve on a megabass popmax helped me catch a monster muskie last weekend. I only used it a handful of times but I think im going to retire it!
  20. i didnt see a chatterbait but that has worked all year round for me and probably caught the most fish.
  21. Took to Marsh Creek PA the other day to get on some LMB's. Was throwing out my Mega Bass Pop Max and this monster took it. Was on my kayak so it was a real crazy few minutes fighting her and trying to get her in my net. I knew how easily bendable the poppers trebles were so the whole time I was saying to myself that shes going to pop off at any moment. She was pulling so hard that my kayak was all over the place. Finally somehow I managed her to swim into the net. A couple of guys boated by and it turns out they and their club members have been stocking pure bred muskies in the area for the last 10 years and told me that this was in the 50" range and very close to 10 years old.
  22. can anyone tell me how to post youtube videos?
  23. I spoke to Adrian Avena and he said he was offered $50K that would be wired directly to his bank account if he agreed to stay with B.A.S.S for 3 years. So if he was offered that im sure all the Elites were offered that, not only the top guns. Everyone except Duckett im guessing lmao.
  24. Same here. Maybe it because i dont have a depth finder so i dont know how deep of water im in so im not sure on which crank bait to choose from.
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