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Everything posted by YoTone

  1. funny i was just watching some metanium 13's going up on ebay. never tried one but ive heard theyre pretty sweet. i wonder how they would compare against a curado k since theyre going for around the same price used around $150.
  2. i chalk up my modest success fishing at night in the summer to water temperature.. during the day it theyre sweating it out like us so i figure at night theyre physically more comfortable to hunt.
  3. welcome homie! south philly guy here. i havent fished south jersey like i did last year but i do plan on going to a few places in south jersey soon. let me know if you need a buddy to go with.
  4. Ive sat in and played around in the non pedal predator. coming from a slayer 10 the predator felt like i was in a caprice classic. very spacious and stable to paddle and stand on. but like the caprice classic its a big heavy ride. being a smaller guy i dont think i would be happy loading and unloading that beast by myself. my friend is a big guy and he asks me to help him load and unload it on his suv.
  5. i know i got the 6'10'' mh original one i love it
  6. im using the tatula elite 6'9'' heavy skipping rod that i use for frogging. its sweet.
  7. you would think a bass that sees a fish with one eye would be easier prey than something with full vision.
  8. id look up the sku. they might be selling the older tatula black/orange rods
  9. I use the 6'9'' heavy tatula elite. its made for skipping jigs but ive been using it for my frogging set up. its pretty sweet. it was made for skipping jigs but it can skip a frog too.
  10. I fished Bradys lake last year for two days. i got bit on the launch side in the middle. decent lake mostly dinks but i did manage some decent bass in the 3lbs area. that other area are you referring to Arrow head lakes?
  11. went to my local ditch in south philly to kill an hour or so. only used the jackall kaera and caught one sweet lmb and hammered some snake heads.
  12. I dont mind longer sticks for certain techniques on my kayak. when i need the rod tip to be down, like walking baits yes shorter rods help from hitting the water. when im tossing chatterbaits or buzzbaits where my rod tip is fairly high, longer sticks dont bother me.
  13. Spent a good two hours friday night getting prepped to hit some early morning waters at Marsh. Was hoping to get up around 4 am. Instead woke up around 11 am and spent the rest of the day eating tasty kakes and watching movies with my daughter. Sunday I got there around 7 am and again seeing the conveyor belt of boaters slowly beating the banks heading north i decided to tried fishing the area past the boat rentals because i didnt see any boaters in that area. turns out they werent there for a reason. winds and the lack of bites made it a frustrating few hours. defeated i headed back. as i approached the rental area i saw a little point and decided to try some hail mary casts with my chatterbait and got lucky with this 2.8 lbers.
  14. Owner double toad hooks is what i use.
  15. funny, a few years ago i went there and stayed in a little town near it called berlin. anyways at that time i hadn't bass fish since i was a teen. I took my salt water stuff and i tossed in my 5 ft dock rod that i used for flounder/trout fishing. we stayed at this private community which had this man made pond. i didnt give it a thought till i saw a guy fishing there. so i decided to check it out and he said it was stocked and loaded with big bass. i immediately drove to the nearest walmart and picked up and spinner bait and some yum dinger. i looked on youtube on how to fish a worm since i really had no clue. i found a video explaining the wacky rigged senko. next thing i knew i slamming which now i realized were 4+ lbs bass. from that moment on ive been bass fishing ever since. if youre near berlin md and want to fresh water fish let me know i can point you to a great spot!
  16. Im not saying its worth the trip for you but just below kensico is a small lake called the silver lake preserves. I fish there like 4 times a year and its produced some of my biggest bass, including my pb and second biggest both from the bank.
  17. yeah sounds great and if you need someone to jump on your boat for a tournament or what ever im down!
  18. yep marsh creek reservoir
  19. they have been very good at taking care of me several times. so much that ive become very brand loyal to Daiwa.
  20. Hit Marsh early yesterday with slick conditions to start. made my way north with only a dink on a swim jig skipped under some brush. decided to scrap my plans half way through and reversed my direction and fished all the way on the southern end. the wind picked up big time after an hour but i managed to catch this tossing a frog at the end of some reeds. btw its an absolute madhouse there. by 6 am there i already counted over 20 boats/kayaks. by the time i finished around lunch time it was full blown madness.
  21. owner has a toad double hook that works well for toads. for me, walking the dog requires the rod tip pointing down and popping it on slack line. too long of a rod and it becomes difficult because popping the slack line the rod tip keeps touching the water messing the movement.
  22. those are kinda like hollow body toads. frog fishing for me is about not covering water but pin pointing certain areas then walking it in place or a walking it barely covering ground. I cast to my target, twitch it then reel it quickly for my next cast.
  23. i snagged a line that had a brand new black chatterbait. i tied it on and left it on for 2 years and its been a bass slaying machine.
  24. Im just not clear on what Lews does. From what ive read here on this forum is that they just re brand reels but in reviews like the one ive read on ***, they write that their Pro Ti was a reel to show off what they can do in design. so that has made me a little unclear in how much input besides cosmetics they have. what about Lews rods? who makes or designs them?
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