The week before I was at Marsh and got I my butt handed to me big time. I must of made a thousand casts with one dink to show and got drenched in the rain to boot. It left a bad taste in my mouth the whole week and i wanted revenge.
Hit the water around 7 and found out there was a tournament happening so that threw me off a little. I tried my best to deal with it, moving and giving up spots once I saw a boat competing. Headed north towards the bridge then going back dodging boaters and making casts with my chatterbait where i can. made my way to the rental area but right as i approached a boater got there first as i watched them land a nice one by the reeds. Drifted into carpenters cove for an hour or so with nothing to show and started to have that feeling of defeat. was contemplating on giving up after 4 hours on the water but made a last ditch effort and make my out of the cove and slowly drifted towards the southern end casting my jig. few hundred feet from the cove I tossed a jig at a stump and saw a nice one take it. I set the hook an broke off, great. retied a gambler swim jig and continued down the bank then all of a sudden i noticed those asian lantern flies landing on me and onto the water. next thing i knew i heard fish crashing left and right eating on those flies . hopped my swim jig a few times and hooked into a 3lber a few yards from the shore. felt good to get the monkey off my back. they were still feeding and a few minutes later and i hooked into another one. my scale pooped out but it was significantly bigger than the one i just caught.