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Everything posted by YoTone

  1. Check the pictures again.Is the bottom lip in front of the upper lip? Flatheads have that distinction. And it was in my opinion I said that weight when I saw the huge belly that you can't really see. If it's not a flathead what is it then?
  2. Is 6'9'' close enough? Daiwa has one that Ive been using this year and ive been enjoying it for a variety of applications like jig and frog fishing.
  3. if you can find a fuego ct for around $70 ive found them to be really smooth and solid to work with.
  4. its not a flathead, i thought it was at first so i released her without weighing her but i took pictures cos i thought it looked funny for a flathead. ive asked those who seemed to know that it is indeed a bullhead catfish. PA state record is 4lbs 10 oz and i may be biased but this is in my opinion in the 5lbs +class range. caught on a black chatterbait. im kicking myself for not weighing her but oh wells lol
  5. look at fins wind tamer. i haven't used it a lot but its been easy going for me so far.
  6. Yeah they're pricey. I've been trying to love the rage shad but unreal how easily the tail rips. Hopefully tw will continue with their 30% off strike kings products on black Friday.
  7. put my daughter to bed at 8:30 and since i live a block away from the park i went out to make a few casts before the park closes at 9. first cast i get struck and caught a solid 1 lber. next cast i toss my jackhammer to the same spot i caught a 5 on a buzz bait a few years ago. ripped the chatterbait out of the grass and got slammed. too bad my scale pooped out but im thinking its the biggest of the year for me.
  8. fished a few hours at marsh again. few on a popper and one on the chatterbait. nothing big enough for me to post up but as i was loading up i asked an elderly couple who was packing up their boat and asked how they did. the guy was like i didnt catch much but my wife caught like a 7 or 8. i was like catfish? then she whipped out her phone and showed me one monster bass. i dont know if she was an 8 but it was definitely a 6+. she said she was just pitching a jig in some brush and boom. crazy.
  9. maybe ill pick up some heavy floro leader then. like i said im not jig expert but i do always have one tied on. i may not always throw it every outing but i do break it out when times get tough.
  10. to be fair i didnt see if the fish that was smashing them were bass. they could of been crappie or bluegills and maybe that bass may have drawn in to the commotion from the feeding frenzy and was there to pick off the feeding fish.
  11. I'm not even going to say I'm a decent jig angler but I think when I set the hook on a Bass the force of the hook set and the rod power brings them upwards away from the rocks. But again maybe I'm just asking for heart break but I've never really had a problem breaking off on a hard hook set with braid.
  12. i tried jig fishing with 17 lbs big game a few days ago. broke off on my first swing. tied it directly to some hi vis braid and was catching them no problem. ill use leaders for bank fishing if i dont want to waste tons of line if i get snagged but other than that and mono for top waters and my spinning set up ill stick to straight braid for everything else.
  13. 6'9'' H as im on a kayak (low to the ground) and i skip my jig into places at times.
  14. The week before I was at Marsh and got I my butt handed to me big time. I must of made a thousand casts with one dink to show and got drenched in the rain to boot. It left a bad taste in my mouth the whole week and i wanted revenge. Hit the water around 7 and found out there was a tournament happening so that threw me off a little. I tried my best to deal with it, moving and giving up spots once I saw a boat competing. Headed north towards the bridge then going back dodging boaters and making casts with my chatterbait where i can. made my way to the rental area but right as i approached a boater got there first as i watched them land a nice one by the reeds. Drifted into carpenters cove for an hour or so with nothing to show and started to have that feeling of defeat. was contemplating on giving up after 4 hours on the water but made a last ditch effort and make my out of the cove and slowly drifted towards the southern end casting my jig. few hundred feet from the cove I tossed a jig at a stump and saw a nice one take it. I set the hook an broke off, great. retied a gambler swim jig and continued down the bank then all of a sudden i noticed those asian lantern flies landing on me and onto the water. next thing i knew i heard fish crashing left and right eating on those flies . hopped my swim jig a few times and hooked into a 3lber a few yards from the shore. felt good to get the monkey off my back. they were still feeding and a few minutes later and i hooked into another one. my scale pooped out but it was significantly bigger than the one i just caught.
  15. Use mono leader when using walking baits. Braid tends to get tangled up in any front trebles too much when walking a lure for me.
  16. YoTone

    Toad Baits

    ive had success running my toad parallel to vegetation lines. but yeah ive use toad baits in open waters quite often.
  17. Ive caught them in mid October on a cavitron buzzbait.
  18. whats the difference between the 100 and the 150 besides spool size? im really loving my tat 100.
  19. one thing that i loved when i was checking out the pro anglers was that the rudder control was on both sides. to me thats a big deal. will they be sending you guys the new ones with the 360 drive?
  20. I was wrapping up my day when I encountered some thick milfoil. I didn't spend much time there but I did toss a frog for a few minutes. This morning I was watching a video of Seth feider and he was flipping the grass mats and showing how its done. My question is when to choose one or the other as my first approach.
  21. happy birthday man!
  22. having a net will save you a few fish a year. plus with treble hooks things can get tricky with out one.
  23. i did the same thing and once you said about just adding a split ring too it i was like d**n why didnt i do that? either way i dont even fish it that much so i dont have to worry about changing it out again anytime soon. This post made me think why i havent tied it on yet this year so this morning i decide it to toss it for 5 minutes before work. even 1lbers shotgun blast it so hard!
  24. speaking of spools, aftermarket ones are so expensive that you might as well just buy a new reel itself.
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