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Everything posted by Pritch13

  1. I'm in south Florida, perfect visibility, fishing from shore and I'm not sure what season as I've just moved here
  2. I seem to be able to bring it back snag free with no weeds on it now. Just have to wait for bites, as I'm yet to have any
  3. Yeah the trap i have is 1/2. Ive counted 10-13 seconds before i can feel it hit the bottom.
  4. wow, Thank you Paul roberts. Ill be sure to refer back to that post! I just went out and got a heddon torpedo along with a ratt - l -trap. Wanted to get a x rap rapala, but i was overwhelmed by the amount i saw and didn't have enough time to look through them all. Any advice on a particular size, i have a 6,6 med rod.
  5. I have had a few close calls where the crank bait has almost ended up as an earing
  6. I'll be sure to try that out, thanks
  7. Awesome, thanks jaheff!
  8. Thanks for the advice Cheetahsneverprosper, again this may sound dumb but am i aiming to fish as deep as the lake allows possible, i.e. letting the lure sink completely after casting or pretty much reeling in straight away, i guess the topwater lures are self explanatory.
  9. Thanks for the reply, i haven't thought about seasoning my bait before. I will also look into the heddon torpedoes as ive heard lots of great things about them too.
  10. I am fishing in ponds and lakes and using a spinning reel. It seems to be pretty clear when i cast out, don't really feel any dragging or snags/knocks, but the closer i get to the bank I'm casting from there is a ton of weed and constantly get snagged, even on a texas rig i seem to not see my lures return sometimes. I am finding it hard to judge the depth though, sorry i can't be more specific. I have been looking mainly at the rapala xrap lures, and zara spook lures. Especially with the x-rap there seems to be so many options as to sinking or floating, jointed etc...
  11. May seem a simple question but I'm struggling to find a straightforward answer... How do i know what size and weight lure to use? Does it vary on where I'm fishing, the weather... I go into fishing stores and know what lure i want to buy, but there is always so many weight and length variations. Any advice would be awesome, as I'm fairly new to fishing. Maybe I'm just overthinking things?
  12. Thankyou for the feedback. I've read a lot of good things about x rap rapala lures so I think ill pick one up. I still need a lot of work on my patience haha
  13. So i have just moved to the Pembroke Pines area of south florida from England and have picked up a rod again. I have a lake at the back of my house and can see peacock bass swimming about, sailfin catfish and a few other species i can't identify yet. I have fished there all times of day, first using a texas rig with power bait lures, and the fish just ignored it as i could see them in the water, i then started using a carolina rig with all kinds of different bait ( hot dogs, molded bait, sweetcorn...), float fishing with all kinds of bait, crank baits and spinner jigs. The fish just seem to ignore it and I'm a little lost on what my next move should be. I also went to Wolf lake park in Davie, FL today and had no luck. I was using a texas rig and then carolina rig again with worm lures. Any one been here and has any tips? Thanks
  14. What lure did you end up catching them on?
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