So i have just moved to the Pembroke Pines area of south florida from England and have picked up a rod again. I have a lake at the back of my house and can see peacock bass swimming about, sailfin catfish and a few other species i can't identify yet. I have fished there all times of day, first using a texas rig with power bait lures, and the fish just ignored it as i could see them in the water, i then started using a carolina rig with all kinds of different bait ( hot dogs, molded bait, sweetcorn...), float fishing with all kinds of bait, crank baits and spinner jigs. The fish just seem to ignore it and I'm a little lost on what my next move should be.
I also went to Wolf lake park in Davie, FL today and had no luck. I was using a texas rig and then carolina rig again with worm lures. Any one been here and has any tips?