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  1. Thanks dave, just caught 3 cats and a bluegill all hooking them nicely!
  2. I just added a float to my line and had so so many bites, yet every single time I tried to hook one, I'd feel resistance for a few seconds like I got him then I'd just end up with an empty hook once I finished retrieving. So I attached a circle hook instead and finally caught one but gut hooked him again. I've tried yanking the rod when I see the bobber just go under, after letting it run a second and letting the fish really run with it for a while but I couldn't hook one without letting the fish swim for a good 10. Secs before setting the hook. Any advice on how long I should wait after seeing the bobber get pulled under before I set the hook?
  3. Not yet no, I see lots of peacocks bass but haven't hooked one yet though
  4. Do i need to bait the hook differently with a circle hook then? I think the reason i don't feel the bite is because i leave the line slack and have no weight on it, only the hook.
  5. So i just caught 2 very nice white catfish using nothing more than a #6 aberdeen hook with a piece of bread at the end and some bread ground bait, but both times i couldn't get the hook out as i couldn't even see it when i looked down the fish. Ive tried using a 1/0 hook but i haven't got a bite with that size hook yet. I think I'm just not setting the hook at all as i don't really know what I'm feeling for because I find i get bites when i just leave the bread sat on the bottom of the lake, leaving the line slack. I have tried a carolina rig too so i can keep the line tight without moving the bait but again i don't really know what i should be feeling for in regards to a bite and set the hook. Any advice?
  6. Unfortunately that can be hard in South Florida.
  7. Feel kinda bad for gut hooking it, but there was no way whatsoever I was getting the hook out so I just cut the line.
  8. FINALLY CAUGHT! Just caught a lovely 2-3 pound catfish with a simple #6 hook with some bread on the end. Threw a few slices crumbled up next to it and success! Unfortunately the fish inhaled the hook and i couldn't even see it down his throat, so i had to cut the line as there was no way of retrieving it.
  9. Has anyone ever used the soft plastic frog lures? Ive never seen them before a few days ago
  10. So matching the colors of the tiny fish i see swimming around the banks? sorry I'm rather new to fishing lakes, only ever deep sea fished before.
  11. Thanks, so should i be letting the spinnerbait sink to the bottom before retrieving then?
  12. Any recommendations for a good spinner bait then? Is the rooster tail classed as a spinner bait?
  13. what size rooster tail do you use? is that also the color you use?
  14. started off with a 5 inch watermelon worm texas rigged or carolina but recently been using rat l traps, heddon torpedoes and crank bait
  15. I think ill have to buy at least 2 of the same lure from now on, given my track record of losing things.
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