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About garcialuis723

  • Birthday 11/28/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    I'm from Edinburg TX, 
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Falcon lake!!

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  • About Me
    What can I say.........I LOVE BASS FISHING!! 

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garcialuis723's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. 3/8 oz jigs, weeds
  2. What specs of a rod would you recommend for jiggin??
  3. Ok guys I need help! I went fishing and all bass were hitting were dragonflys. I've looked everywhere trying to find a badass Dragonfly topwater lure and can't seem to find one so I decided in making one. How would you guys make one?
  4. Whats your favorite lure for muddy brown water???
  5. Whats your favorite lure for muddy brown water???
  6. Imma try those techniques tomorrow. Thnx guys. I also found another place today with lots of trees ontop of the canal and I'm trying to find a way to cast in those tree. What can i do? I have tried a 30lb line with a lizard but my line gets stuck anyways :/
  7. What can i do to catch them big bass without getting them weeds on my lure or bait? Yes i have texas rigged, weedless and everything but those weeds keep on coming
  8. Thank you guys!! I caught myself a 4 pounder, 5 pounder and some 1 pounders. Went for cover, slowed down and worked like a charm!!
  9. Dang nice bro, thnx for the quick reply! What should i try?? Texas rig with senko watermelon? Theirs so many ways but i would really appreciate your help. Im barely starting, so i come here for help from the masters! (You guys) The weather over here is cloudy, 50°s, i tried using deep cranks but alot of green grass in the bottom.
  10. Really weird. I go to that canal every day and caught tons of bass but i went these past 2 days and nothing! Same techniques, cranks, and nothing now. Am i doing something wrong?? TIA
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