I've never had any of the xx rods so I can't say if it's better, worse or on par with xx and I haven't got to actually fish with it considering the weather where I live but my first impression of just on it looks and feels is great, I couldn't find a single blemish, spot, etc... on the rod all of the guides are perfectly perfectly straight none off center or anything, the reel seat feels better to me than any of the other rods I've owned or used. it's just slightly and very slightly tip heavy but once I put one of my tatula's on it it balanced out extremely well. the reels seat, eva foam and the whole rod says quality. I even looked at the wraps for the guides to see if there anything wrong like the more or fewer wraps on one side or the other or a problem with expoy and found nothing. with all that said based on feel and looks alone I'm extremely glad I bought rod and will more than likely be adding more megabass rods to line up whether it be the levante, orochi xx or any of their other rods