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papa p

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Everything posted by papa p

  1. Welcome Calvin to the BR boards. What a great opportunity to meet RW. Tell us, what were the circumstances of your meeting? It sounds like an organized fishing event of some kind!
  2. This was great! Thanks Bass for putting this together and thanks Glenn for everything!
  3. Praying for you Brian until your safe return!
  4. Right man, right place, right time! Congratulation!!
  5. papa p


    Hey Murray! What's on your mind? Are you in a club or thinking about it? Being a Bama boy myself I'm interested in knowing where you fish around Montgomery, if you are having any success, and what you are throwing!
  6. Thanks Chris for sharing this wealth of information!
  7. This was awesome!! Thanks for sharing it with us!
  8. Welcome!
  9. I agree! This is not a skill we are born with, it is a learned process. Once we get it, we should certainly apply it to our daily walk but also look for opportunities to teach a child this great life lesson!
  10. Saturday morning I fished a lake heavy with weeds and full of stick ups. It was a bright sunny day, & I began flippin' the weeds on the sunny side of the creek thinking the bright sun would have the fish tight to the cover of the weeds but I got nothing. I then moved to the shady side and began to get bites on a Texas rigged motor oil lizard. Please give me your thoughts about fishing the sunny or shady side!
  11. Thanks for the post and the article. Generated some good conversation. The basics seem to be the same with some different variations. I'm going to try to make shorter casts fishing the more productive water, slow it down, and be more attentive to the fall.
  12. The fluke has typically been my choice in the fall. I normally will fish it slightly under the water at different speeds and jerk it side to side until I find the presentation they want. Now, you guys have given me lots of other presentations, mostly slowing it down and immitating a wounded shad. Thanks for the fluke info. I look forward to giving it a try!
  13. Great explanation Trivib!
  14. Thanks RW for sharing your wisdom. It's very educational for me to read your posts.
  15. I'm itchin to go fishin!
  16. Hey Bronc, welcome from Al. Sounds like you're having fun and that's the bottom line.
  17. It's a great topic. We all need to be more aware of what's going on weather wise. When there is some weather close by, being as how I am in aluminum, I am always looking for a place to get off the water if need be!
  18. I would throw a pearl Fluke; had a situation like that recently and what I thought was bass turned out to be alligator gar!?
  19. Hey Ike! I am a new member trying to figure my way around the BR site. So far, when I have hit a problem area I have been shown the right direction to go and my problem is fixed. In the short few days that I have been on BR I have learned a lot from what seems to me to be a bunch of good guys who are willing to share what they have learned. For this I am very grateful!! Now if I can only apply it when I get on the water.
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