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Everything posted by harshman

  1. nice lookin jigs GMAN
  2. This show never ceases to amaze me on who they will offend next
  3. two, three, spatter finishes, the possibilities are endless like GMAN said dip the whole head in the color you want and then dip a portion in the accent color either while still hot or after a short amount of time in your curing run Harshman
  4. follow the instructions on the paint packaging, every manufacturer is a little different on time and temp Harshman
  5. Does anyone know where or even if upgrades for Zebco reels exist? My father in law loves to fish with Zebco reels, but I feel that he is at a disadvantage on speed when we fish for bass under certain conditions and I would like to "Upgrade" one of his old or new closed face reels to see if it would help Thanks Harshman
  6. look great Harshman
  7. the only thing that scares me about Evinrude is it is becoming harder and harder in my area to find someone to work on them and Merc shops are everywhere. I own three rudes and getting work and parts is usually a headache. Harshman
  8. i guess the age old if it works don't try and fix it will have to suffice for now. I have tried another primer bulb with the same results so it does sound like the fuel is getting past the carb somehow but not enough to screw things up yet Thanks for the tips and disturbing images I now have to live with the rest of my life.....no hairy palms yet Sister Agnes Harshman
  9. I have a 1989 Evinrude 150 hp that recently had the vacuum fuel pump replaced and as a result I have lost the ability to pump up the primer bulb to the same tightness as before the repair, my boat technician says that not all bulbs have to get tight before the motor can start. Other than the bulb not pumping up tight the motor runs great....any suggestions to just live with it? I also had the canister style fuel filter replaced at the time the pump was replaced and now when I pump the bulb I can hear fuel go into the filter, unlike before the replacement. Thanks Harshman
  10. great looking bait Harshman
  11. I use coffee filters mostly, inexpensive so you can throw them away an dclean up the cup for the next color run, I like the vaccum bag though might have to give that a try and see what happens Harshman
  12. I really like the skirt on the first one GMAN, I am getting some material like that in the mail today or tomorrow, can't wait to see how it looks Where do you get most of your skirt material? Harshman
  13. Harshman
  14. I have the 7'11" Mojo pitchin stick and I absoluely love it. I also have a Triumph spinning outfit and really like it too for what I spent on it. Harshman
  15. Congrats Bass XL Harshman
  16. I am becoming a huge Smoke fan, he is racing a lot better now that he has to pay for his own parts. I was a huge fan of Junior until this year when he started wrecking people just because he was cranky. Harshman
  17. Thansk guys, I'll tear her apart tonight and see what I can fix. I gotta get some upgrades for this puppy, it is too neat of a reel to let go to waste. Harshman
  18. I have the 7'11" mojo fro flipping and pitching adn I love it Harshman
  19. teeth cut marks are a lot better than huge paint chips that you would get with vinyl paint. Powder paint is durable , unfortunatly not indestructable. I would be glad to be getting teeth marks on the jig head, that means they are totally committed to the bait when they eat it, or maybe your fish just have major dental issues????
  20. I was given an older Ambassadeur 5501 - C3 reel today. It is stainless steel with 010304 stamped on the reel foot. I have two questions about the reel if anyone can help me. 1. It seems that the anti-reverse does not always want to work properly, sometimes I can reel it in reverse a half a turn then it grabs. I am fairly good at cleaning/repairing low pro reels but this is the first of the round style I have opened up. How can I fix the anti reverse? 2. Are there any upgrade parts out there that I can add to this reel to help it's performance. Thanks Harshman
  21. I agree with the small shops being the place to start and an online store. For a reasonable fee you can start you're own website and advertise on Bassresource. I even use fellow tourney anglers as a way to sell more baits, sctatch their backs with a few baits and if they like them they will tell their friends, and their friends tell their friends and so on. "Sponsoring" guys with lures is also a great research and devlopment tool on how you might be able to improve your baits. I have had my guys come up with colors that I would have never tried. just my 2cents worth Harshman
  22. I was also under the impression that tung is much more toxic in a molten for than lead so home pouring would create many hazards, I may be incorrect though.
  23. Hope someone was holding his sign so he didn't loose it.....
  24. In sort of the same breath I think Marten's should have been penalized for his actions on the final day "The day started inauspiciously enough for Martens as his first spot roughly a 10-foot area was filled by a local boat. The 2005 Toyota Tundra Bassmaster Angler of the Year ran to his next spot, only to encounter the same boat, which Martens said intentionally stirred up his area to make it virtually unfishable. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/tournaments/elite/news/story?id=4156856 Very poor sportsmanship in my eyes, what a looser, isn't this public water? Just cause he is fishing for money doesn't give him the right to thrash another aglers location and I'm a huge fan of tourney fishing. Harshman
  25. I have decided to quit drinking, quit smoking and quit cursing....#** $&mn it I left my smokes at the bar Harshman
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