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About Joespy

  • Birthday 04/12/1962

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  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Brownlee Reservoir Owyhee Resevoir 
  • Other Interests
    Family, Golf

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  • About Me
    56 year old Ranger RT178 owner. Live in Idaho. Primarily fish in Southwest Idaho and Southeast Oregon. My son and i have made many upgrades to our boat. 

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  1. The way I went was with the micro power pole on my RangerRT178. I have had it for over a year now and I love it. I have used it to self deploy, stay put to thoroughly fish an area and to hold a spot back in the trees to fish. It has been more useful than I ever thought. When not using lay lengthwise on the deck(got to love the deck space on this boat). And the best part is it holds really good with wave mode. Any way that's the route I went.
  2. I own a 2014 Ranger RT178 with an 75hp evinrude etec. I was at a boat show this weekend and saw the Tracker and I was so glad I got a ranger. I would suggest you do a little digging and look for another manufacturer. Doesn't need to be a ranger but wow. I won't go any further
  3. When we ordered our RT178 we added Elite5 on the console and a 5x on the bow. We are in the process now of upgrading our console to an HDS7 touch with side scan and will move our Elite5 up to the bow. We also got the upgraded on board battery charger. Also upgraded to the Minn Kota Fortex 24V 80# trolling motor. We also got the Ranger cover but had to have a trolling motor pocket added to fit the bigger trolling motor. I do not think you can even get trailer brakes on this but could be wrong. I would like to say you have made a great choice on what boat to get. We bought our 2014 new in 2015 with the Evinrude ETEC 75hp. We have added a SS prop and really are happy with the performance. The trade off in speed for fishability is well worth it in my mind. During tournaments we just really prepare our strategy for morning and afternoon bites to reduce un needed travel from spot to spot. We run 39MPH WOT @5400 rpm. We have also added a MICRO power pole. Looking into a 10ft pole. One of the things we love is upgrading our boat to suit us. You will be very happy with the platform and as stated in other posts. Congratulations.
  4. A little late to the boards on buying a boat in 2014. I purchased a new 2014 Ranger RT178 in 2015 with an Evinrude Etec 75hp. I was hesitant on the Evinrude but after 75 hours last summer I am so glad I went Etec. Lighter, faster sips the gas. Run 39mph WOT at 5400 rpms. Lowrance Elite HDI5X on the console. (Upgrading to HDS7 GEN3 this spring) 5x at the bow. 80# minn Kota fortrex trolling motor. This boat has been amazing. SS prop with a micro power pole. Great fishing platform. Personally would steer clear of anything tracker. And wouldn't change my decision on this boat.
  5. The G3 talon is a good boat. Though the 90hp vs 75hp performance difference is minimal as in maybe 2 to 3 mph. But your fuel consumption goes up. As with every thing on this type of boats there are trade offs. Gain in one area lose in another. For me I went with the boat that was in my opinion the best overall value and performance. I have yet to be at the boat dock where at least one person has asked me about my boat. And I am seeing more aluminum Rangers on the water here in Idaho. Fish on my friends!
  6. The Ranger RT178 is an incredible boat. I own a 2014 RT178 with an Evinrude Etec 75hp. Went with the 178 to have it fit in single garage spot. Looked at all competitors and the Ranger stood out strong. Incredibly stable, and solid feel. Fit and finish are incredible. Plenty of rod and tackle storage. Comfortable boat all day long. I would recommend this boat to any one looking to buy an aluminum bass boat.
  7. As for the pros and cons I will start with the pros Cost of ownership: Fuel consumption. Run all weekend on one tank of fuel. 21 gallons Dry storage 92 inch beam makes it extremely stable Really solid feel in choppy water Operates awesome in shallow water Micro power pole hold boat in place in shallow waters. Rod storage Fit and finish Evinrude Etec 75hp is quiet and efficiant Comfortable Great looking aluminum bass boat As for the cons it is speed. With a hull rated for a 75hp motor it performs great. We get 39mph on a good day. Rough on rough water due to shorter hull Overall a great boat. Extremely happy with performance.
  8. Ok. I have had a full season of fishing in my 2014 Ranger RT178. Loved every minute on this boat 80# fortrex trolling motor Elite 5x with GPS at console Lowrance 5x at bow Micro power pole SS prop We were not the fastest boat in the club that's for sure. In fact we are the slowest. But we have found ways to get around that. If your looking for speed this is probably not the boat for you. If you are looking for a rock solid fishing platform this is a boat to consider. Plenty of storage. Very stable. Handles chop good rough water not great but we haven't been forced off any fishery here in Idaho yet by waves. 39mph at WOT 5400rpms. 2 boaters, too much gear, and 3/4 tank of gas. Seen all the G3, Triton and Tracker bass boats and frankly to me there is not even a comparison. Considered the RT188 but wanted the boat to fit in one place in the garage. My son would tell you he wants to go faster. I just tell him to fish better. Haha. Take a look at these Ranger aluminum bass boats. They are incredible.
  9. I went with the Micro power pole on my 2014 RT178. Holds the boat in heavy wind and waves. Great addition.
  10. What model of power pole did you instal? Did you instal 1 or 2?
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