I'm 17 and I have a part-time job at k-mart. Last night I was called to the service desk, because the security caught someone on camera attempting to shop-lift. So I stood by the exit of the store waiting to kick some shop-lifters arse. . Then the security guy finds the suspect and found CDs under his jacket. So I go back assuming my regular duties only to see 3 of my co-workers freaking out, then manager gets on the loud speaker and tells all customer to evacuate the store. I'm like this cant be good. After all customer has left the store me and 2 other guys was told to do a search in store make sure everyone was out, that when I learn someone just called a bomb threat to k-mart.
After I walked out the store I find bomb squad, Cops, firefighters, Paramedics, etc all over the parking lot.
Crazy night. I feel like they are out to get me. I should be packing heats.