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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. I have no problem with getting tired. I used a 7' m for my dd22. Maybe it because I'm younger and in shape. ;D I ordered my crankin stick the other night. It will be here really soon!!! ;D I did play around with it at BPS and it felt good!! When I saw the online price I didnt feel like going back to BPS so I just ordered it online.
  2. Preach it brother! The other day I walked outside it felt great, then yesterday morning I walked outside and nearly went into hypothermia state. Global warming my arse!
  3. It was a HARD hitting football game. I like the part where that USF's running back level the strong safety for oregon. Man, everybody took a lick or two.
  4. Florida by 10? Dude, unless michigan defense been running a lot of sprint after the ohio state game and up to the bowl game they have no shot at stopping florida. They couldn't handle oregon nor appy state speed how can they handle florida speed and size?
  5. Mine is about the same as gidget. I also like to be a very consisent fisherman. This is the year I vow to fish harder then ever before and use every single bait in my aresenal and make the best of 'em. My non fishing resolution would be to graduate in may from high school and get a good job afterware.
  6. Dont tell me about it! I'm waiting for it to come out to DVD. ;D
  7. This song is my song of the week. I was listening to it and was wondering how much it relates to fishing. Trade our boring lives for the fortune and fame on the tour. Not lot of fortune, but mostly just personal fortune. Here the link to the lyrics. http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Rock-Star-lyrics-Nickelback/FAD6BFE6B7E76A084825705F002C462C Great song though. Even if your not a fan of nickleback or that style of music, but that song is one gooooood song.
  8. I dont personally care for parkour. Although I'd admit some of these guys probably got endurance of a marathon runner which makes them athelete. Long mike, every day you get in a car you can die right? So is it stupid to get in a car knowing you can die? Everything we do can kill us. Whether we are acting stupid or acting fully mature. People are always going to be this way. There really nothing you can do to stop it. I'm sure back your days there was probably even more stupid people we just didnt have videos of it because of technology. I have spoken!
  9. No. (that's deja vu.) Would you trust muddy handling your boat? (i'm just making an observation questions about stories I've heard during the lake fork trip) ;D ;D
  10. I was looking at that web site and man, that things got a 50 gallon tank!!
  11. That bass is in the navy seal. ;D
  12. I'm from Alabama, believe me I know Alabama is loaded with some of top fishery in the country. . I'm really deeply involved with going to Santee that is of course the water level comes up some more. I'm moving back to Alabama after high school and so I thought why not go fish a random lakes that the pro's loves. I thought about clarks hill. My top choices are: Santee, Guntersville, and Florence area. Florence of course includes: pickwick, wilson, and wheeler not far from it. ;D After all I got accepted in UNA so I might as well check out the campus while I'm there.
  13. I wish I could. I have school. Mine spring break is first week of april. So dad said he was taking off on my spring break and his friend was doing the same and I'm have k-mart to give me the week off also. If I didnt have school we would attempted the guntersville trip with you guys. ;D.
  14. Mine dad, his friend, and I are planning a little fishing trip in april. First week of april to be exact. We are trying to find a location and the location must have a decent cabin or a state park. We threw out names like Kentucy Lake/Barkley, Guntersville, Dale hollow, Florence, Alabama. I thought florence or guntersville be a fun place to go at that time of the year. Florence got 3 lakes nearby. I even consider Bugg Island, NC if it still a great fishery as it was in the mid 90s when all the pro-am used to have tournaments on it. Is there a lake anyone got in mind we should consider? Santee is also a nominated lake, but we have to monitor the water level. Lake Lanier a great choice, but montior the water level as well. Now start nominating lakes for us 3 fellas. We are taking two boats. I'm fish by my self or with a buddy if I can find one that can come with me and my dad going fish with his friend in his boat. I WILL DEFEAT THEM!!!!!! ;D P.S. Try to keep the lakes in Tenn, Alabama, North and south carolina, and of course georgia. I dont know how far we'll be able to travel, but those states are in our consideration. If you have fish one of the nominated lakes dont be afraid to speak out about how good it is. ;D
  15. Waffle house is open! God bless waffle house. Ya, I'm working today. K-mart is closed, but I'll be there along with 2-3 other people stocking and straigthen the store. Oh well, It's time and half pay. I kind of volunteer for this duty. My mom didnt like the fact I volunteer and my dad reaction was "well good, now you can pay cable bill." : Dont you just love your old man?
  16. I got what I wanted. Gift cards to bass pro shop and some cash. And of course the family cooked up a nice ham. .
  17. I'm not that religous either, but I alway say merry christmas, etc just to keep the world in peace. I tolerate everyone's belief. Believe what you want believe, but dont press it onto me. Your welcome tell me about it, but you dont need to get me to preach it.
  18. Sorry to rain on your parade, but Napoleon Dynamite only funny if you watch it the first time. After that it basically boring. I love the American Pies triology. I got all 6 American pies. I havn't watch beta house yet, but it under the tree. ;D By way to the guy that mention achmed the dead terrist. Man jeff dunham is friggen hilarious. I like walter though. "Choking the smurf? is that what they calling it now days?" "What happen to the chicken? babbling *Explosion*"
  19. God bless johnny cash!
  20. Sam, you are really starting to get on my nerves.
  21. Hey, I'm cocky enough to do those exercise. Althought I'll pus out and do light weight. ;D
  22. I got this email years ago. It saved in one of my folders, but man it still funny every time. ;D
  23. Gman, Did it make you see flying monkey?
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