I got a Ford Explorer. Few months ago I was going change oil my self, now I inherited this truck from my brother. I forgot which oil this truck takes (at the time I was dumb enough not to read the notice under the hood) so I called my brother and I was like "bro, what oil goes in the explorer 5w-30? or a 10w type oil?" He replied 10w 30. I was like alright whatever.
So I drained out the oil add the new 10w oil to it. Dad pulls into the driveway about this time and was like "boy, thats the wrong oil." I said "eric told me this was right oil." Then he goes "it tells you right here which oil it takes." But neverless dad goes "well, it wintertime so you dont have to worry about the motor overrheating, I've done it before long time ago and had no problems." Neverless I was convinced.
Months gone by, my motor never overrheated or blew up. Now recently I notice when I'm at a red light and my truck is ideling, it's ideling like a big semi truck. It ideling really rough.
Any idea? coil wire? maybe just need a tune up? or perhap the oil is starting to shake up my engine? Dad said it cant be the oil because my oil sensor is dead on normal. Dad just said you need a tune up no big deal.
I just thought I'd ask if you guys ever had this happen to your vehicle. It just ideling really rough. when I accelerate it kind of accelarting normal, but when it's ideling it ideling really rough and of course the check engine light blinks from time to time.
Sorry for long post with few bad punctuations.