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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. I blamed high taxes, mortage company, the federal reserve, and some consumers. Lets face it; it dont take a rocket scienciest to figure out when you people spend so much money so rapidly eventually they'll run out of things to spend. More money you spend more that increase the demand for a products thus increasin price and thus increasing other craps! If the Consumer salary doesnt go up and th GDP goes up then everybody buying power goes down. Meanwhile some companies have adjusted living salary meaning if the GDP went up 3% the salary of employees goes up 3%. Of course the otherside of the field the employers dont give a rat @$$ about basic economic and is keeping the money to themselves. Moral of my post you ask? recession comes and go big bass are hardest to get hold of. Recession helps some people, but hurt others. That the major downfall of our market and our way of life..people will get left behind and goverement will get involved then we all go down. I think WE as a consumer is responsible for the high prices. the goverments and oil company just took advantage of us because they are "opportunist"
  2. Only thing I hate about the screw ins is they can tear up my plastic. Ive never used the tru-tungsten brand, but the lead ones I have just screw up my plastic.
  3. I cut off a really small piece of a tooth pick, just enough where I can pull it out the weight and my question is will the tooth pick eventually fray out my 20pound power pro braid line? I want to peg my 1/2 ounce xcalibur tungsten weights for lake guntersville and been looking around at some peggin system,but I think i may end up sticking with the tooth pick, but since I dont have any experience using 'em I wasn't sure if it'll fray out my line and I'll lose a monster fish.
  4. Brother, go with the hammerhead and get green mirror lens. It's amber based! Costa del mar got awesome warranty and stuff so they are the real deal. My brother and cousin both have costa del mars and loves 'em. P.S. I'm proud owner of a costa del mar fathom with green mirror lens. My only regret was I wish I bought the stringer because it had a green frame. Green frame + green lens= bad arse sunglasses.
  5. K-mart not all wasteful crap, they actually have coupons on back of the paper to restraunts, etc. Or sometimes they are just plain advertisment or they'll have information about upcoming events etc.
  6. Isn't advertising and coupon a great thing. :
  7. There is a small coasta del mar sunglasses. http://www.costadelmar.com/store/BVModules/ProductTemplates/Costa%20-%20Product%20Layout/Product.aspx?productid=TC If you buy some costa may I reccomand the green mirror lens? I have the fathom with green mirror and i friggen love it.
  8. I was looking for tattoo ideas. I want something with meaning. Something that strong or inspirations, etc. I've consider alis aquilae it means in latin on eagle's wing. It comes from book of isaiah saying if you keep lord within you you'll always been strong and never weak. (Ok it isn't the exact script, but that what the script means.) I thought I' have that phrase written on my back and above the phrase have an eagle or a tribal eagle wings. Any of you wise folks got any idea? Something with meaning and inspirations. Just give me a short strong phrase and I can break it into japanese or latin and find a symbol for it. I'm up to anything basically I'd like to keep it in japanese or another foreign language like latin, etc. If you anti-tattooist just dont post. thanks.
  9. It comes on versus on friday night at 8:30. I've only seen the one in new york. If I'm correct there only been two episode aired. that the potomac and the new york. P.S. City limit is name of the show.
  10. That jaguar looks awesome. How much does he cost? My friend got couple red bellied piranha. They are friggen insane.
  11. I found everything just fine.
  12. I dont care if you like Ike or not, but this is one awesome fishing show. No endorsement every 5 second. Just flat out fishing. Awesome show.
  13. A fishing bum.
  14. Yo burley, the pic where you got the bass being gut up; is that a crawdad next to it? Did you pull the crawdad out of it's stomach? Nice smallies I wish I could catch 'em that big on this lake that I call cherokee.
  15. This thread made my night. ;D
  16. I'm currently in AP econ, we're doing micro right now, but I might know the macro if you asked the question. But if they already helped you with it then nevermind haha. I love economic, but sometimes it can be a pain in the butt with all the trick questions on the exams.
  17. I used to love the orginal one until i tried the assualt then it became my favorite. I like them both. I have a monster sticker on back of my truck. ;D I dont drink them all the time just every now and then. But man they are tasty and friggen awesome.
  18. There is no such thing as global warming, Chuck Norris was cold so he decided to turn up the sun!!
  19. Yeah. I'm pretty happy with my choice of computer. I've been farting around with it trying get everything setup. I even have the lojack so go head and steal my computer...I dare you.
  20. I needed a laptop for college and other needs. So I custom built me a Dell XPS and it arrived a lot faster then I thought. Well instead of staying home and mess around with it I had to go out to town. While dad was home he told me Dell's customer serivce called and asked if my laptop arrived as satisfactory. I dont care what you think that is excellent customer serivce.
  21. Indeed, Smell is very wild. ;D. My dad goes in there all the time when we go to gatlinburg. I used to just stand around and browse, but now I'm of legal age I get to do more then just browse. I may try one of those dips next time I'm there. Something to suck on while fishing. ;D However, for the night fishing trip I prefer cigars to keep the bugs away. They cant stand that strong smell. ;D
  22. I"ve been to gatlinburlier mannyy times!! I bought my cigars there. It not far from me, maybe about 40 miles. bass pro shop is nearby. I might actually try those next time I'm there.
  23. It probably the best product roland martin endorse. I used it one time before I lost it and it was pretty darn produtive.
  24. I pick up a spro bronze eye midnight walker. I basically only bought it because I"m going to guntersville in April. I'm considering using this thing around laydowns and docks and I was wondering if anyone ever had success with frog baits around laydowns and docks? I dont have any weedy shorelines or grass on my lake, but if we get full pool this year in East Tennessee this baby might work in early morning or evening around laydowns. But I'm defitnley stoked about using this thing at g-ville.
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