Daniel, it not a crock. I honestly cannot figure out what the big deal is? If my memory served me correct. BPS online site, sales what in the warehouse in springfield, missiouri. Perhap the sales is slumping and the warehouse has piles of the crankin' stick so therefore they want to sale it out.
Lets look at it from a buyers perspective. Lets say I notice the rod on sale for 39.99 online, but instore price is say 49.99. Just a 10.00 different correct? Now, lets say I could buy the rod online for 39.99 factor in my state tax, standard shipping, etc. It will probably come to approxitmatley 53.00 (I used my local sales tax, but I added 10.00 for oversize shipment of the rod, even though it may or may not be 10.00 for shipment, but bear with me here.)
Now, that I paid 53.00 for a rod that was on sale for 39.99, we know it could take several days for it to arrived to my house. If it takes say errr (Depend if LBH is delievering it) 10 days to arrive. But behold a problem the rod is SNAPPED. So it may take 2-3 weeks or less depending on situation for a new rod is issued. All that hassle for a rod that cost 39.99.
Meanwhile, I have a local basspro shop store where I can get it for 49.99 and pay grand total of 54.76 (using local sales tax in this calculation). I pay 1.76 more then the online total and I got the rod home immeditately wherefore it wasns't broken. Of course the gas cost I may burn 4 gallons of gas getting there and back.
I feel I'm better off going to store buying it at that price rather then 10.00 cheaper.
Or you could just re-read glenn's post. Also the online price is just to sale products to people who doesn't have a Bass pro in their area.
If you still believe it a crock, then so be it. Just a thought ya know?
P.S. Point of my post is to point out what some sales director will think about. Lot of marketing team and sales team will think like this. THey try to get the ones that want it to the most to pay higher price.