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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. Does it has to be frozen? There one I cannot remember how it works, but the beer was frozen. We did it one night with success. I learn a lot of wonderful things in college.
  2. Wouldn't it be more likely that (if anyone involved was racist) it would be the mass murdering perpetrator, who killed 4 over a traffic stop? I'm sure he had a permit to carry that gun also. :Are the officers supposed to say, "hold your fire, we're calling a black officer to participate in the gunfight" as the shooting starts??? The media makes me crazy sometimes. LMAO AHAHAHAHHA. I don't mean to laugh here, but that a great point! Media are just barbaric people abusing the freedom of speech.
  3. Well, a lot of people in community has filed complaints about vast majority of teens and middle school kids at the mall on weekend nights. Some people have complained they will not go to mall or theater anymore on weekend nights for this reason and now mall decided to take action trying to attract more older shoppers that are willing come to mall and buy things rather than bunch teens just walking around mall in large group doing nothing. I could care less about the ban, but it just crack me up when they used that statistic. ;D
  4. That is wrong on so many levels. ;D
  5. Someone drowned on our lake last year and I happen to be out of school the next day. I had 10 text messages and miscalls wondering if I'm ok. Lot of my friends knew I fish and they heard it on the news and was hoping it wasn't me. Sorry hear it happen near in your neck of the woods. Reason we fear death is because no one lived to tell us about it.
  6. You know, here in Northeast Tennessee lacrosse wasn't offer as a sport. In recreation league nor schools. If they had a lacrosse program I would've love to give it a shot.
  7. Today, I was reading my local newspaper about the new mall ban. Apparently my local mall decided to enforce a "youth escort" rule. Anyone under age of 18 must be accompanied by a legal guardian of the age of 21 after 6pm on Friday and Saturday night. But that not what I'm complaining about..here comes the "here your sign" part. They stated in the article and I quote "50% of all bans and arrests has came from teenagers doing inappropriate behavior." If you are mathematically challenged this means that the other 50% of arrests and bans are from adults. We are right on par with teenagers. : : It would've made more sense if they had just lied and said "80% of all arrests at mall has came from teenagers".
  8. Pfft. Alabama and Florida will beg to differ.
  9. Glenn, I can see how you thought it was politic, but it actually wasn't! It just a brief recap of how the economy fell. And it also gives a great opinion about prevention. It did not say that the particular party screw the economy or anything. But oh well. It was an educational read. 8-)
  10. ATX, it was a different thread. I made a thread and posted a link that deals with today issue in the economy that really useful for EVERYONE to understand whats happening in the economy today. And it got deleted... The link was no different from what we discuss everyday on here when RW post a stock market thread... If you are still interesting in the link PM me and I'll send you link. P.S. this isn't no foxnews crap that RW post, this is a actual person that studies Finance in our society today. Great article.
  11. Any of the moderators want to explain why you deleted my last thread I started? I actually made a useful post for once and it gets deleted. Nice.
  12. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=37.09024,-95.712891&spn=47.167389,92.8125&z=4&om=1&layer=c&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-google-svn&utm_medium=ha I typed in my address and it has picture of me in the driveway.. Lot of places do not have pictures yet, and if it a private driveway or street it will not have pictures. I only wish I knew this car was driving my by house so I could have flipped it off or something real cool.
  13. I was thinking about my dream job today and I think I want to work for AIG. That way even if I manage to lose 30 million dollar of company money I can still get a million dollar bonus.
  14. The last time I went to a dentist I suffered a concussion. I should have sued the guy, but the drugs for my concussion made me feel good.
  15. My father and I are planning a weekend trip to the legendary Dale Hollow next month. I was wondering if anyone who lives in the area or has been there can tell me where to stay at in the 30-60.00 a night range. I was thinking we could take a tent and stay 10-20.00 a night at some campground. I don't feel like shelling out 100.00 a night at a cabin. Any tips and advice on the lake would be nice and appreciated.
  16. I live in Tennessee and we have some good smallmouth on my home lake. I live about 2-3 hours from the legendary Dale Hollow Lake. I have never attempt to catch a smallmouth on my lake and now I plan to change that. I bought a 6'8 Medium extra fast St. Croix Mojo spinning rod. Got a Sedonna 2500 spinning reel with 6# yo-zuri line on it. I plan to switch out between Shaky heads and a small tube. I'm use a E-z weight inside the tubes. I got lot of bluffs and rocky banks on my lake. How should I present those two lures and what type of weather conditions is perfect to fool a bronzeback on my lake?
  17. Eat at Taco Casa in Tuscaloosa, Alabama..you never go to Taco Bell again!
  18. I was waiting on someone to make this post. I guess we have to many pessimistic folks on here. ;D Recessions are going to make me rich. I cannot wait until I'm out of school and live the life like my idols do. I love reading books on Warren Buffett and John Meriweather. Ok I know some of you on here who may know who John Meriweather is, I know the guy bankrupted a $140 billion dollar hedge fund, but come on you got to admit it the man knew how to run a team.
  19. Yeah, man! This one time I was looking up in the sky and they told me was I was going have a good year. It was a crappy year..friggen aliens what do they know?
  20. x2. This one time in college last semester..... ;D
  21. I got a Dell xps M1530 for school. It great laptop and I really like it. I pay about 1700.00 for mine, but I had some extra features added onto it. Extra rams, some extra softwares, et cetera.
  22. my mistake, I didn't see the H.
  23. Good Luck.
  24. Fishfordollar, Duba was born in Connecticut.
  25. Wow, that is funny. What a crappy policy. How could they take her money like that and say "we are out of nuggets." and not give her money back. I'm not saying the woman was right to call 911, but I would be extremely angry. LOL
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