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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. LOL, Tennessee has a big target on their back with that new coach of theirs.
  2. I'll rent it before I buy it. Last fishing game I played was terrible. Fight was way to unrealistic even by video game standard. I know a guy in school for video game and computer programing. Maybe I'll tell him how make a real fishing game and he can program it for us.
  3. I'm ready for college football season. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/columns/story?columnist=forde_pat&id=4297677&sportCat=ncf ;D
  4. Eh, eventually it will get boring. The worse game you can play online is World of Warcraft. People have quit their jobs just play this game all day. I highly recommend you to stay away from this game. I've never played this game, but I got friend who has it, and it took him quite some time to stop playing it.
  5. Gun shop owners are spreading rumors around internet to increase sales. Wall Street is down, so they are trying persuade investors that an M-16 is a better investment. P.S. Gun sales really is up since Obama took the office. Least what I've heard. I was too lazy to really look into it.
  6. I can verify the Hell Grand Cayman.
  7. I remember back during 9/11 someone had cleverly photoshopped a statue of liberty picture, where she was shooting the bird with captions "we're coming !" So, if North Korea do that, we should send them a copy of that picture. I have a copy of the picture, but due to nature of the content, I will send it upon request VIA PM.
  8. Cooler+plastic bags+lots of ice=portable temporarily fridge. Probably run you 15 bucks for good size.
  9. Reason I was asking, my cousin considering getting his hand on a 19' or 20' Legend boat. No one in his area (Alabama) got a Legend boat. The person from Legend that he talked to on the phone told him their boat were faster. All the tournaments that he fished, he never sees a Legend boat, so he was just venturing out trying see what else is out there in boat industry. I probably end up getting a nitro when I get out school. For now my 16' challenger with 75 will sufficient ;D
  10. Speed, Stability, Storage, and of course gas efficiency doesn't hurt. ;D
  11. Anyone ever rode in a Legend Boat? If so how would it compare to other well known brands? (ex: Ranger, Stratos, Triton, etc)
  12. Root beer


    I don't know if I want take my pooch to your clinic. I don't want you practicing, I want you to use knowledge. ;D I love joking on doctors when they say the word practice. ;D
  13. The video "we like sport" some how had me rollin' on floor. ;D
  14. Tyrius and Rolo beat me to it. I've spent everyday for 2 weeks reading options before I decided do my own option trading. It very risky trading. This is what I learn: Option is a zero-sum game. When one wins, another lose. Wealth is simply exchanging hands. Stock market is NOT a zero-sum game. Wealth can be created. In option wealth is already created, it just changing hands. You are just hoping it stays in your hand. The only thing I do not know about option is some of the calculation. But I'll soon learn that in school. I do not know if I'm allow to speak on this, but I'll leave the information broad. The company that my dad works for got screwed over on price of wheat last year when they predict a rising cost. They locked in on a call option then exercised it, few weeks later suffered a loss when price of wheat dropped. :
  15. I think it funny. I also find it funny how some people would like Saturday Night Live, but not this song..Aren't those guys on Saturday Night Live?
  16. I know what options are, I've participated in option trading already. I did a buy-write option on Ford Motor company and profit from it. I kept the strike price above what I paid for the stocks, so even if it he exercised it I still made a profit. He later exercised it, so I made premium profit plus the stock themselves. You know any links that has a list of derivative strategy, or do I have go to investopedia.com and just compiled my own set of list?
  17. Zel, while I've heard of some those terms, but rest I haven't. Still too funny. ;D
  18. Gotcha! I understand now. When I first read the derivative definition it sounds like it was some form of equations on an underlying assets (ex: bonds, stocks, etc) so I was thinking it was something else. When you brought up credit swaps and stuff it made it sound like some form of portfolio insurance rather than a form of derivative.(I guess portfolio insurance and derivative would fit in same category right?) It weird how some books worded the definitions. The definition of derivative from investopedia.com had words like fluctuation and underlying asset in same sentence. To me it sound like it was some equation calculating prices, values, etc on the underlying assets. It just sounded like some investment vehicle with weird math model on the underlying asset.. Oh well, I got it now, thanks. P.S. Is this what causes AIG demise? They entered into a one too many derivative on mortgage backed security?
  19. So Tyrius, in finance, derivative sort of work like this..I buy a bond and I then purchased insurance on it in event it defaults. If the bond defaults I collect insurance money from whoever sells me the insurance policy? If the bond doesn't default I collect the interest from the bond, but I lose money on the premium I had to pay in order to get the insurance policy? While in math derivative is some form of mathematical equations use to calculate rate of change? Which I will learn this fall. I hate it when same word means two different things to other people.
  20. Derivative. How does that not relate to what RW posting? Asset Back security is type of bonds they are, Derivative is the math equations they used. I assume the bonds RW post is being calculated, valued, etc by derivative (which I'm looking forward to this fall in calculus class) Derivative while Asset Backed security is the underlying asset....
  21. interest rate...Federal Reserve should have stepped in and raise the rate. Loans should have been slowed down. Oh well. It probably going happen again since I read the news that two democratic law makers are asking Fannie Mae and Freddic Mac to loosen up the RECENT loan standards. The lawmakers thinks the new standards will shunt growth. :
  22. I'm sure you already know which English teacher I had.
  23. LOL. That's a funny thought. Seeing someone pulled a boat through a flower and brush at a drive-thru. LOL.
  24. I've been meaning to write a paper (don't worry it will be proofread by someone with superior grammar knowledge) about how the unions are destroying America's labor force and economy. I got an interesting theory on how the unions hurt and/or limit our economic growth and ability to stay healthy (economic wise). You just need to hear it before you start showing up at my doorstep with a pitchfork. P.S. I'm not starting a fire here and before you bring up executive compensation, my theory about "union destroying America's labor force and economy" also has to do with how executive compensation will hurt a company. overpaying executives and low paying workers is a recipe for disaster in the long run. P.S.S. Two things are stopping me from getting started..1)Not enough time to do research..2) See number 1.
  25. I feel like quoting Family Guy here. Peter-"Oh yeah, you and what army?" Solider-" United State Army" Peter-"That's a d**n good army"
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