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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. This is not a football thread! The Security and Exchange Commission caught someone! I guess a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. ;D http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/17/business/17insider.html?_r=1 Kudos to them. ;D
  2. Forgot about that movie, is it out on DVD yet?
  3. I read about it. Saturday night after the homecoming game win over Louisville, he went to a school sponsored event, it was a dance for homecoming on campus. And he just got stabbed to death along with another person. This was just an hour or two after their win over Louisville. And the player is also expecting a baby soon. The rest of team told the media that they expect the baby to have 100 uncles.
  4. Well, Boxers do have that coloring, but so does full blooded pits. Judging from the pic, the head looks nothing like a boxer. Check it out for yourself http://pitbull_love.tripod.com/picsofdogs/id6.html http://www.sfgate.com/blogs/images/sfgate/pets/2009/08/14/Boxer__28dog_29.jpg Look at your pups head between eyes then look at steepness of the boxer's between eyes in pic above. There nothing wrong with your puppy, I just cant find a characteristic that it might be boxer mix. Good luck with the obedience school, I tried my 3 year in that class..lets just say he was the class's troublemaker. ;D The boy grab the thing your suppose jump over and drugged it around the yard. LOL. ;D ;D But it a good idea to get your dog to tried socialized and get used to being with other people. Since you rescued him lets hope he doesn't have bad memory in his head from being mistreated.
  5. I'm waiting for it come to DVD. Glad to hear someone seen it and said it good.
  6. I don't see how that could be a boxer mix. Looks almost like more pit bulls and not an ounce of boxer in it. Congrats on your rescue and here to many years of friendship.
  7. I cannot wait until COD:MW2 comes out!
  8. If USC had loss, it would have been a great weekend. Auburn and Ohio State gets a loss and Alabama overcome adversity and wins! What a weekend. Next up, Tennessee. Crompton in for a rude awaken, that defense going to push him around.
  9. I love how CNN says "The world watched in horror", while I didn't waste a second of my day on this. Don't care. Sorry. In the words of the immortal Mr. T. "I ain't got time for no jibba jabba!" My sister in law didn't appreciate what I said about that. But honestly, this kind of thing is local and regional news material. Amber alert shouldn't be reported on CNN, only thing CNN should report is what country is making threats to U.S. Someone in Florida, or Alaska doesn't neccassarily need to know what going on in Colorado, this news could overshadow a current Amber Alert in their local area. Just my 2 cent. How is it someone in my area with Amber Alert is stuck on local and regional news, but a balloon floating in air with believed to be a missing kid inside of the balloon makes world wide news? Seriously? : Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the kid is safe and all, but it shouldn't have been on CNN is all I'm saying.
  10. x2, man. I've been waiting for this quite some time.
  11. I might actually go to theater and watch this. The trailer: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/boondocksaints2/ The plot: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1300851/plotsummary Looking forward to it.
  12. I hope I don't sound insensitive here, but seriously we wasted an hour of our day or half our day watching an empty balloon.... :
  13. Roll Tide! I was pretty upset about how our offense performed in redzone last week vs Ole Miss. But forget about that and time focus on the chicken. Oh Tennessee fans, in two weeks Crompton going be in for a rude awaken. Ryan Mallett, Jevan Snead, Tyrod Taylor all had frustrating day against Alabama. But we talk about that next week, this week we got the chickens.
  14. Murphy's Laws is great! ;D
  15. Now you know.. http://money.cnn.com/2009/10/13/news/companies/Ford_recall/?postversion=2009101317 My explorer a 1997, I feel I cheated death, again. I could have been BBQ by now.
  16. On serious note, they didn't play anybody worth watching, and you could watch it on ESPN 360 on internet free. I watch Alabama and North Texas game online for free. I hooked the desktop up to the TV and watched it.
  17. I needed a tax break, but I already sponsor some girl I know to run. You're a couple days late. ;D
  18. We have two cats. The oldest boxer doesn't mess with them, the cats rubbed on him and he just sit there starring at them. Meanwhile the 6month old would grab a tennis ball and dropped it on the cats.. It a funny sight. ;D They usually do well, but give them time to work it out. The puppy be little rough at first, because they tried play with it, and they might unintentionally harmed it. Boxer get their name for using their paws a lot. My 3 year old, when he gets excited he will jump on your body, and when he wants attention he will paw me. All 85 pounds of him will jump on me. You have a choice when they are pups to get their ears cropped, me, My first one had hers crops and I love it, my other two doesn't have it crop. It just personal matter, I wish I had cropped my 3 year old, but ah well. It cute when he runs and ears flops. Chicks dig it. 8-)
  19. With training, Boxer would be best dog you ever have for everyday recreations. Terrible swimmers, but they are nice company. I've got 3 of them. One died 3 years ago, so I got two left at age of 3 years and the other at 6 month. They look ferocious, but are very gentle and loving. I took my first one on a boat once she just laid on back deck above livewell starring into the water. 8-) My first boxer looked like this: http://cdn-write.demandstudios.com/upload//3000/800/90/7/33897.jpg I missed that dog. The current two I got now are rug rats and a handful When you called their names in the house, you can hear 'em rumbling on the floor coming. Edit: More info's on boxer. I only mention this breed, because you want to take it everywhere, and boxers are great company. http://www.akc.org/breeds/boxer/
  20. Hey, I've been to Jamaica they tried ripped me off in person. Actually one guy did it in succession. :-?
  21. I can imagine it being pretty hard to crack a case like this with just one guy sending an email to FBI about this. They probably have disguised ISPs and things like that, that makes it harder for FBI to actually locate it. Even if they do, I can imagine they are sending emails from several public locations making it harder to narrow it down. I'm sure they read your email(s) just haven't had time to reply. Must had a budget cut back to hire a pretty office assistant to reply to all emails. The FBI DOES have a cyber investigation group, I can imagine they have their plates full.
  22. How about everybody on bassresource sends her a flood of emails saying we want to see the boat and we all be in San Jose.
  23. Yeah, but I didn't feel like coming up with a formula that will equal to 3. Beside, what is the odd of a bookkeeper in account receivable at this company Gman order from will understand that? ;D nerds. I'm so glad I only had to take two math courses at school. I have completely forgotten most of the math that I learned in high school. Dude, I'm on my 3rd of 4th math class. I've had a different math class every semester I've been in college. What the crap...
  24. As my roommate and best friend would say "an awkward morning beats a boring night."
  25. Yeah, but I didn't feel like coming up with a formula that will equal to 3. Beside, what is the odd of a bookkeeper in account receivable at this company Gman order from will understand that? ;D
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