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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. Catt will have an accident that will interfere with how he casts if Alabama wins, which means I will take his spot on the fishing trip in Mexico. ;D Lake Baccarac anyone? ;D
  2. "Use it as a voodoo spell."
  3. Ain't that the truth, however, given the mess the BCS has in calculating formula, we might still made it. I think you are wrong on "Slaying Goliath". I think they will be match up real well. Media just sells the hype to get attention which creates more advertising revenue. Which ever team feels less pressure and more focus will win.
  4. All I want for Christmas is a national championship. Last time Alabama won a national title, I was 2 years old. Before that, I wasn't alive. Here my prediction, a defensive struggle, in which Alabama will methodically wear down Texas and take over in 4th quarter to pull away. To say Terrance Cody is on same level as Suh, is ridiculous. Cody is a run stopper, he literally plug holes up and leave gaps for linebackers to run through unblocked. While Suh can get to QB in matter for second. Cody cannot get to QB as fast as Suh can. Suh has a better edge and quickness than Cody to get to QB. I don't think Cody will get to Colt McCoy like Suh did, however, if Texas try to run down the middle it will be suicide. With that said, I think Suh will win more defensive awards than Cody. I've heard Suh name all season long, but when I saw him play Saturday, oh my gosh he was absolutely dominating.
  5. I'll add you as soon as I get back on.
  6. For those of you that lives in New Jersey, could you do me a favor next time you see one? Point and laugh at them for me.
  7. I wish it was Boise State vs Florida, TCU Vs Georiga tech and let Cincy beat up Iowa. Let the two non-traditional power team i.e. boise and tcu play against traditional power. Plus it be fun to watch TCU defense against Georiga tech and see how Boise match up with Florida.
  8. Kb, I love that rod handle that looks like a dark cherry color. Fantastic. The crankbaits display is something I like to have.
  9. It would be unfair. I didn't read the entire story related to this, just that little paragraph. I mean, if I had a tattoo of a gun that was visible to the public, and I'm accused for murderer, I wouldn't want the prosecutor using my gun tattoo as a image that I look like someone willing to commit murder. Which is exactly what the prosecutor is trying to do to this guy. And that a no-no, if the prosecutor had solid evidence he wouldn't even need to point out the tattoo. Just my 2 cent. If that's how YOU feel, then YOU pay a make-up artist to cover up YOUR stupid decision to get a stupid tattoo. But, don't expect me (the taxpayer) to pay for YOUR stupidity. Just my 2 cents. BTW, what ever happened to personal responsibility? You're already paying for a lawyer for their stupidity anyway. When they commit a crime with solid evidence that doesn't even requires going to court, you still buy them a lawyer. That all I got to say for this thread. No need for it to get out of hand.
  10. I had thoughts of getting some cork from my Hobby Lobby and put them on one of my reels, but so far it doesn't look like it going work out. Need get back to drawing board.
  11. It would be unfair. I didn't read the entire story related to this, just that little paragraph. I mean, if I had a tattoo of a gun that was visible to the public, and I'm accused for murder, I wouldn't want the prosecutor using my gun tattoo as a image that I look like someone willing to commit murder. Which is exactly what the prosecutor is trying to do to this guy. And that a no-no, if the prosecutor had solid evidence he wouldn't even need to point out the tattoo. Just my 2 cent.
  12. St. Croix Mojo. End of discussion. P.S. My cousin tried give me his Kistler for my Mojo. No deal. Mine is 6'8 ML I used it for shaky head.
  13. I'll get pictures of rest of my set-up over the winter when I do my annual "inventory count". I love my collections, they are mostly mid-range rods and reels, but they are excellent work horse and gets the job done. I have the following set-ups: Revo SX paired on a Airrus Co-Matrix (this my favorite) Shimano Sedona with St. Croix Mojo rod (my second favorite) Revo SX paired with a custom rod (pics below, this is one I used for the heavy stuff, timbers, grass, etc) Daiwa Viento with daiwa S rod (twitching bar isn't that great, but I just used it for reeling slacks) Those are just name a few, rest are mostly mid-range BPS rods that I used for crankbaits and topwaters. The ones I mention above are for worms and jigs. My dad has a carrot stick that I like, but I rarely ever touch it.
  14. Really? At K-mart it seems like large white women were the worst to deal with. Especially when they misread the sales ad for some personal items. : The ones I dealt with were loud, rude, and inconsiderate. Of course it doesn't help when they are not smarter than a 5th grader. But on the other hand, for your argument is more occurrence. Especially those in higher social class and job ranking. e.g. CFO, etc.
  15. From the man that was born on Alabama's campus, I'm looking forward to January 7th. Assuming Texas doesn't get snub by voters. We find out tonight at 8pm who playing who.
  16. Suh was an absolute one man wrecking crew out there. Wow.. I cannot believe Mack Brown let Colt McCoy run the clock out like that, should have just left ball in pre-snap then called timeout... I thought he was pulling a Les Miles.
  17. I once told my supervisor from K-mart that whoever said "The customer is always right" is full of @#%$!
  18. Hurricane Nick has been spotted off the coast of Florida. It is said to have CODY sized hail, INGRAM like thunder, and JULIO like lightning. Also predicted are MCCLAIN strength winds and the storm is moving at TRENT RICHARDSON speed! If your in Florida get ready for a flood because the TIDE IS ROLLIN IN!!!! Hey Gators, Hey Gators, we just beat the hell out of you, rammer jammer yellow hammer, give 'em hell bama! ;D
  19. I was wondering how the (bleep) I died last night! I was looking out this window, and some guy comes running in with javelin and I shot him and still got blown away.. I was like how could he run at me and still fire the missile at same time? I accidentally skipped the kill cam to see how he got me, but I said some words that aren't allowed on here. It was only time I experience this glitch. Guess I've been lucky enough to avoid a vast amount of idiots doing this. The only gun I truly hate is the grenade launcher. I'm sick of people running around the maps with grenade launcher available, and before you even fire a shot you're dead. Why did they have to make a challenge for the grenade launcher. >
  20. Tebow a fighter, I respect him, but he does make mistake(s) in a game. I think Alabama defense will try to force him into those mistakes. If they cannot make him make mistake, his players around him could. He got into a world of trouble in Arkansas game and was very lucky to pull out of that one. Alabama will stunt him like Arkansas did. That why I'm confident, our defense of line is much more improved in term of pass rushing, dialing up pressure.
  21. No kidding, if I was player getting ready for biggest game of the year, I would be sitting in the film room studying and preparing for the game. Instead of going out drinking, partying, socializing with every girl on campus, I will be sitting in my dorm getting ready for the game. Some of you all might call me a **** for that, but we see who the **** is when it 4th and 1 on Saturday!
  22. Ol' 25 will get 'em. You know how Arkansas got to Tebow? Alabama will attempt to duplicate that. Watch number 57 get to the QB. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBzHeEQ4S48 We are also playing without Dont'a Hightower.
  23. Any data. Any data that will fit 4x4 table nicely..
  24. I'll try that and look at the booklet that came with my laptop. ;D Thanks for replies.
  25. I'm just about finish with a stupid presentation about myself for computer class. One of the requirements on the slideshow is create a table that 4 rows x 4 columns with data about myself. What kind of data would you use if you have to create a table 4x4 about yourself? :-?
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