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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. Saltwater fishing will help me cope with the loss of bass fishing. ;D When I was in Cayman Island two years ago, they had banks that was hiring accountants with CPA license, but the real estate in Cayman for a 3 bedroom condo goes around 400 grands. And that priced in C.I. dollars. Where the U.S. dollar is depreciated against it. It a small amount, but nonetheless it depreciated. Oh well. How do you like all of the upper level psychology class? My roommate is majoring in psychology with minor in biology. He hoping he can take it into med school one day.
  2. Exactly why I'm trying make highest grade I can in all of my accounting classes. I figured with perfect score in accounting, economic, etc, it will give me an edge over my peers in competing for an internship. (I have an A in both of my economic class, A in accounting I, currently an A in accounting II, and currently an A in business statistic.) This summer I plan to take a tax exam from H&R block or Jackson Hewitt, even if I don't get a job after passing the exam, it will be something to add to the resume. Of course joining the Finance club won't hurt. In the words of AC/DC "it's a long way to the top..." I really wish I had the ability to speak foreign language(s). Especially in today's economy where everything going global. My accounting professor talked about a new accounting regulation that will affect every business worldwide, rather than each country with their own accounting standard. There are English speaking countries in Caribbeans and elsewhere hiring American accountant with a CPA license, maybe I find a job abroad. Who knows.. P.S. I wish I had the ability to dodge both of my biology classes, philosophy, and Western Literature. I'm taking psychology by choice and it is okay, but it nothing interesting..
  3. It's a shame Butler didn't win, I sure was pulling for them. It truly was an epic game!
  4. Professionalism In Accounting (I will probably pull my hair out in this class.) Financial Accounting I Management Accounting Business Finance Organizational Management. (I will probably pull my hair out in this class, also.)
  5. That's all I wear.
  6. I think it is an ipod on steroids.
  7. No, because they are borrowing too much with not enough revenue to satisfy their obligation. Eh, who cares..
  8. Actually the UAE exports a relatively small amount of oil to the US. And, they make more money off being a service industry rather than oil producer... I mean, yeah they got oil, but it not even close to amount that Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc have. Heck, we might have more oil in Alaska than UAE... I mean yeah, oil got them started, but they been turning into a service industry because of declining oil. Oil money jump started their infrastructures, and after that they change their economic outlooks and decline their oil productions.
  9. This is funny you start this topic, because my dad and me are considering going to Weiss one weekend within next two months. Either that are maybe skip over to Florence and fish those three lakes. Or we might stop in Chattanooga and fish Chickamauga and Watts Bar. If we choose go to Weiss before June, what will bass and crappie fishing be like? We probably bass fish 80% of the time then try catch some of those famous crappies.
  10. I went to this hotel website, and they got deluxe room for 431 U.S. dollars. I don't know what all included, frankly I don't care. The 35,000 a night might be for the most expensive room...And the price on Website was listed in United Arab Emirates local currency. P.S. I would actually visit United Arab Emirate. Only place in Middle East as of today I will visit.
  11. That is called "The Random Walk Theory." Scary. Anyway, Remember when I said above I've been shopping for mutual fund? Reason I haven't bought any is simply because they are too large and requires lot of time analyzing each stocks or assets the fund is holding. When I do quick analysis of funds I just look at its risk rating and where majority of its allocation is. For instance, since the Dodge stock fund has majority allocation in health-care, thus, I research how I think health-care will perform over next 1-5 years. It obviously wherever the majority of allocation is will make or break a return of a mutual fund. I personally find it easier to research individual stocks than funds. I use a mix of technical and fundamental analysis in deciding to purchase or not. I learn lot of my stuff from a personal friend of mine who is now retired. He spent his lifetime working as a main street businessman and investing in the market. Learned a lot from his stories and past business ventures. Good luck, got any question(s) PM me. I won't give any recommendation on what to buy, but I can give you more insight and reality of the market.
  12. I looked at Dodge & Cox stock fund, ticker DODGX and I like it. Only thing I wonder is, the fund has more stocks in health-care industry. I'm not sure what to think of health-care right now, because the government is proposing few excise tax on the health-care industry. Which could potentially lower their profits which then lowers rate of return on investment. I looked at one American Fund ticker ANEFX, but I didn't spend a lot of time on it. One of things you should know that I noticed at first glance from each fund was that Dodge has higher risk, which means the rate of return will be greater, but your loss can be greater than a less riskier investment. The standard deviation and beta was slightly higher for Dodge than AF. I personally believe you can make more money off Dodge because of cheap fees and potential high rate of return. It just that health-care industry got me pondering on its return this decade. Since Dodge has a lower fund fee, and higher risk, you can potentially make higher rate of return. But like I said above, I'm not sure how the health-care industry is going perform this decade.Maybe some experience guys on here can predict it. Here a professional analysis on Dodge stock fund: https://research.ameritrade.com/wwws/common/pdf.asp?feed=604&docTag=USA_DODGX I'm running out of energy. I look at the rest of Dodge other mutual funds tomorrow if I have time. (I still got that paper to write. :-/) Edit: I just saw your post above, I might have looked at wrong American Fund, there was several of them and I just made an educated guess on which one it would be. I look at it tomorrow I'm out of energy.
  13. No-load funds and low maintenance fees will keep your return rate higher. Let me take a look at two funds and compare contrast on what each funds invest in. I don't hold any mutual funds, but I've been shopping around. Edit: Which Dodge and Cox? I found four of them.
  14. That's a load of bull. Low overnight temperatures will drop the water temperature, but there is no 1:1 correlation. Just last weekend. 34* at 7AM, water temperature was 45*. Hey Burley, it one of the few reasons why wives shouldn't be let out of the kitchen. just kidding! I've also had experience where water was still warmer than the night time low..
  15. That what I took. It slightly easier than the ones the engineer guys take. It not too bad. My test was only 10 questions..If you missed one you're okay, but if you missed two and got partial then you were screwed.
  16. The lowest score I made in calculus was a 72. That was over the anti-derivatives and something else. It wasn't that bad, but I'm never doing it again, ever. The derivatives and such never made any sense. All I remember was, you had a formula that showed rate of change for a data, then the derivative showed the rate of change for the formula. Screw it. I tried like hell in that class and I even went to the math lab where there are tutors and still made C's on the tests. :-/ Oh well. As others have stated, when you get to college you hardly have any assignments and if you bombed one test, you might as well dropped the class. Half of my classes have 3 tests the entire semester. And each test covers at least 12 pages of notes.
  17. If one owns a for-profit entity, could he/she still be eligible for disability? If so, that be total B.S. IMO. A non-profit entity I can see how one can still collect disability since all the money suppose to stay in the business.
  18. If you're applying for disability and owning a business at the same time, you will be shot down every time. You can't be on disability while earning income. There is a clause where you can earn income and be on disability, but that only to get people off disability and back into labor force. I think the number is $750, if you make more than that in certain period, you pretty much lose disability. I don't know anything about your personal history or job history, but it really hard get disability even with credential from doctor(s). Try social security again if you meet age requirement and have paid into it.
  19. It packs it together...Makes it easier to grab/pinch. Gotcha. Why do people throw up the first time? IT'S THEIR BODIES TELLING THEM NOT TO USE THE CRAP . LOL, it mostly because your body isn't used to the nicotine. I tried it once, didn't care much for it. My dad on other hand been dipping cope since he was a teen.
  20. I go to ETSU....We was winning by 1 at one point. ;D
  21. Not exactly. If it has, I haven't read it. And there plenty of evidence to support it. I talked my psychology professor he was going think on it and get back to me. I'm probably going to end up doing a paper on what happens to human brain when gamblers and investors win and lose. That is kind of paper my professor is looking for. Keep in mind, this is intro to psychology. Only reason I took this class, is well I'm not taking political science, I don't get along with those people. ;D Sirnookalot, undergraduate study isn't exactly "creative." You just basically research something already published and put it in your own words then cite the source. Beside, psychology isn't my major. I have B- in the class, but I'm not trying break new ground in psychology research. This research paper is more of writing about what we already (supposedly) learned in this class. For instance, when a man fish, then catches a fish, his autonomic nervous system is making his heart rate go up. Just bullcraps like that. But graduate study is another story..
  22. I got write a paper for psychology. We can pick any psychology related topics for our paper. I wanted write about something that I would enjoy, like financial behavior. The closest thought I have to a thesis is, "**** Economicus does not exist, therefore, the majority of the traders trade securities with irrational thoughts." In another word, I'm proving the majority of the traders are trading without critical or cognitive thinking. I can point out past market bubbles that are result of irrational trading, (internet bubble anyone?) but I'm not sure if it be good enough paper for psychology class. Anyone have any ideas for thesis related to this topic?
  23. Grilled Mahi Mahi with terakyi sauce smothered on it. Seafood is my favorite food to eat.
  24. I got 23. I misread 4 and 6. I thought it was asking how long is each term. :-[ I didn't know 22,23, 26, 28, and 30. Oh well. I still passed. ;D
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