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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. Since when is it a crime to be unprepared? this would be a great question to ask those who have no business with BP but still lost their livelihoods due to BP's irresponsibilities. We have no proof that they was being irresponsible. For all we know the inspections were fine and it still blew up. I rather wait until official report before shouting "lynch 'em." Be kind of hard to do since the well is sitting at bottom of the ocean. P.S. it just like checking your tires everyday and it has no holes in it, only to be driving down the road and hit a nail and have a blow out. They probably maintain it correctly, did everything by the book and it was just a freak accident. I'll wait until official report comes out.
  2. Since when is it a crime to be unprepared?
  3. How about the flat panel TV?
  4. A health nuts is going to feel stupid one day lying in a hospital bed dying of nothing. My dad always said "enjoy in moderation."
  5. It goes both ways. I've seen it myself. Pretty simple to explain when news release such as: "OPEC cuts productions" sends price up. I've also seen "oil supply is stocked" sending the price of crude down. The tanking U.S. dollars sends price of crude up. Tanking stock market has seen oil go up or down depending on few things. The crisis in Greece (which sent stock market down) has sent barrel of oil down, but this mostly due to strengthen of the U.S. dollars with selling of Euro and buying dollars. Hint: the U.S. dollar is used to priced oil..If dollar goes down, oil goes up. If dollar goes up, oil goes down. Anyhoo, to get back on topic, I hope communities in gulf coast region get over this oil spill soon.
  6. They made several attempt to fix it. I guess it pretty hard to plug a hole at 5,000 feet below the surface. Possible, however, it's human nature to screw things up the hard way then it becomes textbook standard of things to take into considerations. Have you ever had a plan for when things go wrong for every single thing you do? This spill will be come a lesson for every oil company and government in the world in the future. On the other hand, the company that was operating the rig was Transocean. It was their equipments and employees. BP was using them to get the oil. BP and Transocean will split the bill: http://www.deepwater.com/fw/main/Investor-Relations-272.html Screw it, I'll just let them continue to attempt to fix it. I was just curious on whether if oil is reaching the gulf coast communities yet. I really like the Mobile/Gulf Shore area.
  7. I got questions for you guys in the gulf area. I was wondering if you guys can smell the oil yet and if the oil has reach your shores? How the tourism economy in your area regarding the oil spill? I'm just curious.
  8. I had opportunity to go to Washington D.C. last month and I took it. I decided share these photos from the war monuments for spirit of Memorial Day. To all veterans, I salute you! I'm sure I'm forgetting a photo, but I got pictures scattered all over the album. (Root Beer human form on the right.)
  9. You're looking at it the wrong way. The entire country and government officials are slamming offshore-drillers and BP. While the regulator authority who are suppose to be keeping offshore-drillers in check are sitting in their office is watching porn. How can you not appreciate this humor? ;D I'm not trying to get political, but it cracks me up. I did go back and read the rest of article and majority of those incident occur in 2007 and years before 2007.
  10. The first paragraph just cracked me up. The highlight is the punch line. I still haven't been able to manage to read rest of article from laughing. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704026204575266112115488640.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_MIDDLENexttoWhatsNewsTop
  11. That Government Motors stock is a real bargain! Just out of curiously, if General Motor decide to go public again, would anyone buy them? lol. (their stocks that is.) My mom just recently got a 2010 Ford Sport Fusion that currently got 6,000 miles on it and in the trunk one of the liner that seals the trunk shut is peeling off..... : My dad told me take it down to dealership tomorrow and make them fix it free of charge since car still under warranty. We just bought it about 3 months ago.
  12. I think I will mount a M-60 next to the trolling motor and learn to say "say hello to my little friends" in Spanish.
  13. Pretty good feat for a 13 year old. http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/22/teen.mount.everest/index.html?eref=igoogle_cnn
  14. I haven't heard that expression since my economic professors uttered it in class. That guy was was true nuts! LOL.
  15. I saw a Tshirt one day that read "An awkward morning beats a boring night."
  16. The morning after Sunday night Packer games is always a rough one too. Eat food and drink fruit juices before you go to bed. You wake up feeling alright.
  17. I missed my Xbox. Oh well. Maybe my new roommates will have an xbox. P.S. I thought WaW was fun...
  18. There's a gentleman club in Johnson City called the Fuzzy Hole....Just throwing it out there..
  19. My apartment is about 15 miles from the race. If my neighbor is going I might be there for tailgating fun, but I doubt I be watching the race.
  20. hah, I find this thread hilarious. I'm not even trying to "land" her. I just simply hung out with her as friends and her lunatic ex-boyfriend just happen to find out and tried confront me. Jealousy is an ugly thing, even though I wasn't "stealing" her like he claimed. : I didn't know there was a rule where every girl you hang out with you must try to sleep with her too.......Least that what you guys are trying perceive me as. : Far as whether you think I fish or not, I be happy to PM you my Facebook page and you can look at some of my fish pictures in couple albums. I'm regular for another fishing forum that I post all of my fishing advice on. (and those guys will vouch that I indeed fish) I visit here for the off-topic section and read the fishing trip section. Ah well, I'll let this topic die.
  21. There aint really a problem with a 20 year old dating a 17 year old. Wow 2-3 year difference. It really is not that much. Tell that to her dad. Her parents already know my age, they trust her.
  22. So, you guys with daughters will chased away a boy immediately tells me two things: 1) You don't trust your daughter's judgment. 2) You do not get a chance to know the guy when he could actually be a nice guy. Interesting. I didn't know the girl's age until end of semester, but only reason why I proceed to continue to see her was because A) she wasn't in high school. she seems nice and everything at the time. I just don't date high school chicks anymore, but if they are out of high school then it is fair game. She told her parents my age and everything. It all cool. Whatever. Again, I honestly wasn't looking at this girl for random fling, I was just hanging out with her because she ASKED me go to Dollywood with her. She is lifeguard at Splash Country and she got me into Dollywood for free. I didn't have anything else planned for the day, so why not? Oh well, whatever. P.S. Going all the way back to my 8th grade year, I have yet to meet a parent that didn't like me.
  23. "Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't foolish enough to attack him." "There is no such thing as Global Warming. Chuck Norris was cold, so he turned the sun up."
  24. "Chuck Norris is the only man known to defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis."
  25. haha. I talked to her this morning, and she only answered phone one time during the period in which he kept calling and calling. She did tell him quit calling us, and she told me this morning he "saw" us driving down road or whatever. After she hung up, she did tell me he might be coming find us. I was warned, but I didn't take it seriously. He lives in Sevierville so he pretty much on strip in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg all the time according to her. Even if I had decked him there was 7 people near us shooting pool and if they was watching, clearly they would have saw him kicked me first. If cop had talked those witnesses he probably wouldn't even took me to jail. (why would he if 7 witness says he hit me first?) I'm skeptical about her now, but at same time I find this whole thing amusing. (especially if she telling truth about that I'm only guy he ever confronted.) I thought her and I was hanging out as friends. I copied her notes couple times in psychology and told her I owe her one and I thought I was repaying a favor...
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