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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. I read a similar story in my "chicken soup book for the baseball fan soul" or whatever the title was. That what baseball all about. ;D. Great story. We should do the same execpt with fishing. ;D
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong. BUt I think allison has the fastest bass boat. I know there was a video on the other forum one of allison with a 300HP went well over 100MPH i think it was 120 MPH to be exact. HOwever you cant use 300HP in tournaments. . Not really much point in going over 100 MPH. I'll be happy with a nitro z-9 with 250 going about 80 MPH. ;D
  3. I love my SX. I want more! ;D ;D
  4. Get him a puppy! ;D Haha. Well that is a sweet looking dragon. You should set up plastic knights around his tank and let him destory them. But that can be a bad idea if he swallows plastic things. :-/
  5. Jeez fluke, did you really have to be like that to him? I thought you was a moderator? I didnt know moderators was allow to act like that. To answer your question ghost. YES! there is a war going on between jet boat and bassfishermans. I was fishing in a backcove last summer away from main lake. This jet ski came into the cove start doing donut 25 yards away from me just to tick me off. I just kept fishing acting like he wasn't there then he finally left and I pulled out the cove then found the boat again pulling into a marina not far from where we was I pulled in and ask him thanks for the wake you dumb @$. Then I ticked him off going my grandma can handle a jet ski better then you. We almost had a throw down right there on that dock. Some jet skiers live to tick us off us bassfisherman because they think they own the lake. My cousin and I was fishing one day on Lake Tuscaloosa. We was in a backcove then we troll near a dock saying "private dock no fishing" We was like screw him it public water. We did one or two pitch underneath the dock then we moved on and fish 15 yards away from the dock we was basically on public water nowhere near the dock, then the owner pulled up next to us on a jet ski saying he was going to sue us for fishing ON HIS PROPERTY. I was like "sir first off I'm on public water second off I'm not anywhere near your dock I'm 15 yards away." Then he said something stupid and me and my cousin said "screw this" we are losing day light so we donut the area and left. I get tired of jet skiers and jetboat saying they own this water and I need to leave. I have no problem sharing water with jet skier, but if your riding too close and creating to much wake then we have a problem.
  6. Root beer


    Originally for Northport! Roll tide! I'm currently living in Tennessee. I'll be back in Bama for spring break to go fishing at yellow creek ;D ;D. I plan go to college at University of North Alabama (UA is too expensive ) If I do go to UNA. I hope them bass on pickwick and wilson are ready for me. ;D
  7. Haha.
  8. I used to live in Tuscaloosa. My prayers are also out. I was plan on going to University of North Alabama. It hit near florence.
  9. HAHAHA Cabela, If you read "bassmaster" It shows that Luke Clausen wanted in on Elite Series. There was an article last may or april issue that he wanted in on the Elite Series and when he won the classic he got an automatic bid to fish the Elite Series. If Clausen never wanted in on the Elite Series why would he try to qualify for the classic and win it or do well enough to qualify for the elite series? He try to reserve a spot in the Elite Series before the classic, but he was too late and field been set, but when he won the classic he got an automatic bid. Then he back out went back to FLW because of "tennis elbow injury." It Obvious that FLW wants someone like him to stay on their tour rather then fish both. I bet you, if you take the top BASS guys and top FLW guys. BASS will destory them to pieces. I cant prove he got paid by FLW/Chevy to stay on FLW tour, but it obvious. He back out of Elite Series saying he had tennis elbow injury and couple weeks later he was fishing the FLW tour. Sounds obvious to me. He really wanted in on the Elite Series. I think main reason why the old school stars like nixon, cochran, etc. Left BASS because BASS was becoming a young gun tour, guys like Ike, Swindle, KVD, Monroe, etc are starting to be the main guys on BASS. People want to cover them more then anyone eles now.
  10. r1 you need try riding in a nitro! ;D Extremely wide deck!!
  11. If you like being a poster boy join FLW! FLW is bunch selfish ******! I refuse to fish with them. From my expereince watching FLW the only day they get televison coverages they are cover in FLW brand clothing and ranger boats. are you kidding me? They want their name all over you rather then your sponsors. Screw wal-mart and FLW. I dont even know why wal-mart has to plaster their name all over the tour everybody going go to wal-mart no matter what so they dont have any reason to use FLW as an advertising market. Granted FLW possible pay out further down the standing, but it not that worth it. B.A.S.S. on other hand granted ESPN has some major flaws that should be fix, but they let you promote your self to gain sponsor to get money pay for entry fees. Plus as mention above BASS is for the glory. I personally rather take BASS over FLW any day. I've heard stories FLW made you cover up your sponsor and wear stern, FLW, or ranger boat all over you rather then your main sponsors. Screw it I'm not going to be FLW poster boy. Take luke clausen for example he wanted in on the elite series and when he got his chance he back out claim he had "tennis elbow injury" 3 weeks later he was fishing the FLW tour. I guess he a fast healer wrong FLW paid him to stay on FLW tour. See they are all about them self. They dont care about your sponsors they want money for them self to add to entries fees. They dont want Luke Clausen getting exposure on BASS tour. Go with BASS. If bass is still that bad by time I get out of college. I'll get a job with them and turn it around! ;D I agree espn is bunch idiots, but they got cameras for exposure.
  12. Bass fishing Victoria secret models or playmates.
  13. Well there are gun restriction sales by new york laws and stuff. So that might been why. I dont know the whole story the correct way. This is what I know Some girl bought a gun from wal-mart, commited sucicide, and family sued wal-mart.
  14. I believe reason why wal-mart has stop selling guns in areas. Because a year or two ago a woman up north in New York or Maine or somewhere up north. She was depressed and bought a cheap gun from wal-mart and 5 hours later she commited suicide. So thus the family sued wal-mart for selling her the gun, etc. So I think wal-mart going to end up having to get rid of guns in a lot of areas. I could be wrong, but there was a case a year or two ago a family sued wal-mart for selling gun to that person.
  15. Yah, Me too. kwchannell89.
  16. Airrus co-matrix, 3 bagley, 2 classic pattern dvd, and bunch other baits for free. Also a pflueger president for free. The airrus is my favorite free stuff ;D. Also I got it brand new, not used, brand new shipped from directly from airrus and ken whiting him self.
  17. Bass pro shop mainly. At a fishing show a month ago they had craploads of paca craw. I've never seen that many paca craws in that many color at one time. It was beautiful. My local bass pro shop has them, but they dont alway have my favorite color. So I alway check out another site.com or *** may have them I think.
  18. Yes, we do. But I'm not going to explain what wal-mart do in order to save money, make profit, and keep other company from making the money they deserve.
  19. My uncle has served in perison gulf, afgahanstan (correct my spelling) and iraq. He currently at home right now, but has a chance to be re-deploy back to Iraq. His son (my cousin) is currently serving his first tour in Iraq, he been there for 3 month now. I'm proud of both of them and your son. I try to dedicate all of my fish to the men and women serving our armed force so I can have the freedom to fish.
  20. Read this story about a 60 year old man wrestle an anconda away from his grandson. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070209/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_brazil_anaconda
  21. I'm guessing Swindle fed some things into your head about the FLW tour. The tour that he doesn't fish and the tour that he hasn't won anything on. Of course he is going to bad mouth the FLW Tour and Wal-mart. If he badmouths Wal-mart, he badmouths FLW at the same time. Actually swindle joked about michael jackson and wal-mart. Reason why I hate wal-mart is because they think they own everything. Screw wal-mart.
  22. Not to sound cocky, but I understand that business side I really do. I just wish I can make a decent resume and get notice. Anyone wants to email me what a good resume should look like for attracting sponsors? What exactly are the sponsors looking for? Looking for what I can do for company, exposure I recieve, my maturality, and personality? Is that what sponsors looking for? I'm stuck on trying to type and have a good organize resume. I've just written down rough drafts and stuff, but it not ready to be offical.
  23. It was funny though.
  24. Root beer


    Me like that one. What a good joke.
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