I'm agree with gman.
When dad and I bought our first boat 3 years ago, we got skunk A lot. We caught tons of bluegills and crappie, just not a lot of bass. Then we started to pay attention to what we are fishing, how we are fishing, and how the boat posistion has to do with it. Then from there we began to learn and build confidence. Now 3 years later we are starting to catch bass consisently.
I wouldn't posistion my self too close to the covers your fishing it'll spook the bass. There not a lot we can say, execpt learn, learn learn, pay attention to what your doing out there, and dont sink your boat!
Better yet meet somebody in a club and go fishing with them and watch how they fish learn how they do it then try to duplicate it.
You just need some experience and keep learning. Eventually you'll learn.
When you catch that first fish investigate why, and duplicate it.