My all time favorite credit card story involved a man I admire. This man is retired in his 80s now, and he had been a business owner and an investor his entire life. Well, he had a boat at one of the marina then he sold the boat. He told the marina he was not going to renew his slip lease. As he sold his boat, the marina was bought out by new owners and underwent new management. We all know how hectic and crazy things can get when a business undergo massive changes. The new management said he had signed another year lease. He responded calmly, "No, I didn't." Then the new management said he did and he would have to pay for remaining of his current lease plus 12 more months. He paused for a minute and said, "Here is what I'm going to do, I'm going pay remaining of my current lease right here. Far as me paying another 12 months, that's your problem take it however way you want. And you're welcome to report me to credit agency, however, it will do no good as I'm retired and I live on pure cash. Have a wonderful day." He walked out and never heard from them again. hahahaha This guy is my friend's grandfather and I've learned so much from him about his business experience and life in general.