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    San Antonio, TX

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  1. Yes, you can over spool them. If you want to get less birdnests, go with something braided, like spider wire. It will be easier. The easiest way to set everything right is to hold your rod at a 90 from you, and hit the button, adjust untill the lure is able to free fall to the ground, and your spool stops. Hope this helps. Plastik
  2. Grab a backpack and some organizers. Easy to use when using your feet boat. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=4127996 http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.TextId?hvarTextId=62287&hvarDept=100&hvarClassCode=11&hvarSubCode=9&hvarTarget=browse&cmid=PP_P1_2&cmCat=CROSSSELL Enjoy.
  3. Has anyone recieved their items yet? I just ordered a couple of the 1k bags and want to know about how long they will take.
  4. Thats a nice lookin fish!! I too am a fan of the small ponds, but only because it cost so much to drive to the lake any more. I caught my PB in a pond that is next to golf course on an Air Force Base. You can throw across to the other side, and it is only about 100 yards or so in length. I know there is probably some hogs in yours too! Good luck catching them.
  5. haha I failed to mention I was there since 2 o clock. It was complelty cloudey and about 62 degrees. And tyvm New2bass im just saying for that pond the average is at least 1.5 pounds or so, although there isnt an extreme amount of fish in the pond (good day 3-4 catches) when you hook one its a pretty good chance its of decent size EEEEEEK! I change my suggestion. I would find a new place to fish!!!!!! J/K man. But for real, only 3-4 on a good day?
  6. Better get your significant other some new shoes first! And take her to get her nails done near BPS! That always works for me.
  7. To bad you couldnt get outta the slump with a 5lber!!! You said its wierd you caught him on a worm at night in cold water, I would suggest you go to same place during the day with worms. You will probably get a few that way! Plastik
  8. If your in Austin, you can just head down south a touch, there is a Cabelas right there. Barely 15 minutes from Austin. Also, if you make it another hour, BPS just opened here in San Antonio. Plastik
  9. That thing is beautiful. Verry impressed man!
  10. I heard about that and thought the guy was pulling my leg. Your hand/forearm is basically your bait??? 100% true! They just put there hand in the hole, and the catfish bite down on them. Its kinda creepy i think. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/09/photogalleries/noodling/index.html
  11. If you think you are addicted, then it WILL get a lot more expensive. Your going to go to Walmart to pick up some hangers because some guests arived, and walk out with 40$ in fishing stuff. You decide to swing by Academy with a pal, oops, there goes another 70$. I dont think I can even get out of a store that sells tackle unless I spend 30$. Make one trip to BPS or Cabelas, and your done man. The wife will start hollerin, and you have to buy her some MORE new shoes. Plastik
  12. Ill bite. Was that really you?
  13. I think you are correct sir. That would be funny. ;D
  14. Zoom over Berkley. The real question should be, Zoom or Culprit!!!!!!
  15. 40$??!?!??!11?! You got out of there cheap man!!
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