Hey everyone, just wanted to say hello. I've been lurking around on the forums for a while soaking up all of the great info posted here. I grew up living on a large pond in MA and fished everyday as a kid, but I've been out of the sport for about 25 years. Recently my 6 year old son took an interest in fishing so we bought some gear and now I'm hooked again At the moment, we're stuck on the bank, but if my son stays interested then I plan to buy a small boat next year.
So far I've fished Wilde Lake, Amelia Lake, Three Lakes Park, Lake Rooty, the pond behind Raintree, Lake Paige and Midlothian mines pond. Haven't had too much luck, but it's a though time of year to start fishing again. I'm looking forward to some warmer weather in Marcha and April.
Hopefully I'll cross paths with some of you guys soon. Cheers!