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Everything posted by trackernoleak

  1. I am sure the decking is down with non stainless screws, I had to remove a couple when running the lines for the front ff/df and new trolling motor. So I had a bugger of a time getting some out. I replaced with stainless so I wont have a problem with them later. I'll take it as gingerly as possible, but I am definately going to risk it. Too much potential benifit.
  2. I was mulling over my decking project and it got me to thinking about something. As it stands, I am the happy owner of a non-leaking tracker (user name,,, duh). I was wondering if anyone out there has found that all the flexing that goes on when ripping out the old and replacing with the new cause any new leaking. I would guess that on a project like replacing the foam, adding storage, replacing decking, and recarpeting you could potentially loosen a few rivits or welds and thus making a leak free boat a dribble cup. Anyone ever hear of such a thing?
  3. I was thinking about doing something similar to what you did. But I was going to have my rod locker down the center so I can leave the two front flotation foams in place. I would have 6 2" pvc pipes to hold the rods and keep things from getting tangled, and an access door next to the console. That will give me ample storage up front on either side and a huge front deck. I really liked the look of the console when you had it covered with carpet, looked real sharp. I think I will incorporate that into my design as well. Thanks for the idea.
  4. Since I moved my second battery to the front and I dont seem to need an extra tank. I was thinking I might permanently center the tank and batt and partition off the back for two small storage bays on both outboards. At least I could use it to store seat posts on the one side and oil, tools and spare parts on the other.
  5. Your not kidding about the gas, I quit carring a second tank after I went out three times and still had half a tank in the first 6 gallon can. Just wasted weight for the lakes I fish on in my opinion. I took it out and added a second battery up front, made it ride even better. My only complaint is the lack of storage and especially rod storage. I'll take care of that this winter when I re-deck it and extend the front casting deck by two feet and put in the rod tubes down the center. My only question will be do I use the golf tubes or make some out of 1.5-2" pvc, I havent done my homework on that one yet. I'm also thinking about adding another post and seat for my 5 year old daughter when I extend the casting deck. I think i could set it just in front of the console and centered on the deck. For now I just picked her up a spyder seat that we put in there when she goes with us. Mine is a 81, I know lots of folks have had problems with them but I guess I got blessed. I was a bit skeptical when he claimed it did not leak a drop, but he was right. I put a float switch in series with the pump and just leave it on when I'm out on the water just to be sure, but it stays bone dry (except for when it rained that day). When I start the project this winter I'll document it with pics and pick everyones minds for suggestions.
  6. One consideration with allowing it to hang too far over the side. If you need to tie up to the pier to get your trailer, you will have to tie to the other side or have some fat bumpers. I have to say, I really like my bow mount tiller control Minn Kota. You might consider the foot switch for power, I really like it. BPS has one that latches and you can just tap, lock, or release with your foot.
  7. One last thing that will make it much easier to set up and take down. Last night I took a heat gun to the arches. So now they dont have as much outward tension because it is pretty much in the bowed state naturally now. You can still dissasemble it by pulling the arches out of the side rails, but it is only uncovered to fish or work on it but I dont dissasemble it for that, I just take it out in one piece. Now I can just about one hand it back in place.
  8. taa daa,,,,,, all nice and dry and my wallet did not get a soaking. I know the trailer needs a bunk job and paint,,,, I'm working on it. This winter will be a complete decking retrofit with lots of mods.
  9. Shot 2, yeah, I know I need to cut the lawn......... fish have been biting, it can wait.
  10. Here is one I just took. No slams on the tracker please, she is serving me well and I paid cash. My jeep in the background is off limits too. I'll have to break this into 3 post to get the big picture.
  11. Just imagine a ladder that is three feet wider than the boat. Set one side of the ladder inside the along the inside edge of the boat, then push till the 1/2 inch rungs bow up and it fits in the boat. The pressure will keep it in place and the rungs will support the cover. It is easily strong enough, probably overkill but hey, that's a good thing when it come to protecting your boat. I have alot of pine trees in my yard and the needles slide right off now. Plus there are cats around and there is now no flat surface for them to sit on. When I get home I'll take a picture, I think it turned out to be just what I need and what a few others might need.
  12. I grew up in Jersey (from 9-19), originally from TN. When I was up there my friends father had 15 or 18 hp merc that had a 9.9 cowling on it. Apparently there was no difference in the cowlings size. I remember he bought a blown motor just for that cowling. That thing would scoot that little jon way faster than anyone else, we had to watch it though cause the game warden/rangers were like little water nazi's.
  13. Last thursday night we had a torrential downpour and the rain puddled up until it turned my cover on my tracker into a pool liner. After about an hour of draining, I was able to remove the cover and found that I had about 3 inches of water in my boat. Unfortunately, as some will forget to plug it before they launch, I forgot to unplug it after I took it out. I guess I would rather forget to take it out than put it in. Anyway, that got me to thinking about a support system for my cover. I looked at bass pro, and the web and the 40 - 50 bucks for nothing more that posts seemed useless. So I got a little inventive. I went down to Lowes and picked up some 1/2 inch pvc pipe (6 sticks of 8'), 4 90's, 6 T's and went to cutting. I put the 90's on the ends of two of them, then divided it up into thirds. Cut it and put the T's in and reassebled it. I laid the two 8 foot sections against both sides and with the cover on inserted one end and bowed it till the cover was almost taut, then marked it, cut it with a hacksaw and then inserted it in the side I was working on. Then did that for the other 3 keeping them approximately the same height and curve. Came back after it was all together and glued everything but one connection on each cross support for dissasembly. Now my cover fits taut, the water cannot pool, and it did not cost me more than 15 bucks for the whole setup. One person can build it, set it up, and take it down without any help. I have not taken any pics of it yet, but it would work on any boat and you can design it around anything in the way with a couple extra 90's.
  14. The real name for it is "Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) Carpet. Read about it on another forum off a google search. That's where I found this place. I'm not so worried about the frequency of replacing that carpet as the guy across the street has a 5 acre pond with a launch (talk about convenient), so I'm more concerned with ease of launch/retrieval. My local lake has a very shallow angled launch and unless I'm in my Jeep with the top off I cant get it deep enough to easily launch without putting my vehicle's rear tires in the water and getting myself wet. I dont have a problem with it just now, but come October/November that will not as enjoyable. I've checked basspro and their pre-fabed ones are only 4 ft, I need 6 feet so I'll have to make my own. Now to find some stainless lags.
  15. Picked up an old 15.5 ft bass tracker I, that had been sitting since 97. After a basic tune-up the 25 merc 2 stroke engine is great, must have started it occasionally even though he didnt put it in the water. Amazing thing was,, no leaks. Only complaint and not a big one at that is the bunks need replacement. They had replaced the carpet with some super sticky padded fabric that makes it a bear to launch and retrieve (and yes, I back it to my back tires, not the trailers). I have been doing some research and found that the glide sticks are out of the question with rivitted boats, so that leaves carpet. No big deal, but lots of folks seem to be recommending the Ultra High Density Polymer carpet, but I cant find any anywhere. Is that pretty much the standard for premium bunk carpet, or does it have another name that I am missing. Lots of good info here so I'm already indebted to ya'll.
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