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About pipho

  • Birthday 03/03/1993

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  1. peeps68 i dont find time to play as much anymore :-[
  2. Wow very nice reels make sure to show us them when they are done
  3. I just picked up a Daiwa TD-Z 103H on ebay for around $217 and was wondering if was a good buy? It is slightly used but comes with the box owners manual and oil. Thanks
  4. What do you guys think about using a Daiwa Alphas for pitching?
  5. Probably pitchin, its goin on a custom built Gloomis MB784
  6. I am currently deciding between a Shimano Chronarch 101B and a Daiwa Zillion and would like any input on either reel and pros and cons. Thanks
  7. I have narrowed my choices down to the Shimano Chronarch 100B, Daiwa Zillion 100HA, and Abu Revo STX. If i got the Shimano or Daiwa I would upgrade to ceramic bearings and maybe a bearing supported handle for the Daiwa. Which one would you guys suggest if you had to pick one? If you have any other suggestions please tell them. Also if you know where to get the ceramic bearings for the Shimano and Daiwa please tell. It will go on a custom built Gloomis MB784 IMX. Thanks
  8. lol it is no object to a certain extent so i think ill go with the stx if thats what I decide on
  9. Will the bearing supported handle from the STX fit the Premier? If so where can I get one? Do any other companies make bearing supported handles? Thanks
  10. I have been debating on which reel to put on my custom built Gloomis MB784 IMX. I am leaning towards the premier because it is light but I have heard mixed feelings on it. Money is not a big deal. What would you guys buy?
  11. Lucky!! We still got quite a bit of ice left to melt in northeastern Iowa
  12. Those things are beautiful!!!! 24+!?! Dang thats awesome!!
  13. Ya they are the best IMO.
  14. I have used them a couple times with a 5/0 Gammie superline and Owner Twistlock 5/0 but I would recommend using the Owner Twistlock it is definetly a great bait.
  15. Nice smallie I fish out of pool 10 and pool 9. Did you fish the tournament out of Marquette last weekend? There was 3 tournaments out of pool 10 this last weekend so its been getting fished pretty hard.
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