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Everything posted by trickworm15

  1. Thank JDJ hope to hit some of the waters soon and thank you Skeeter Dan!!!
  2. Hi folks, I am new to the forum, I am from Brighton, TN just north of Memphis. My favorite lakes are Glen Springs Lake, Pickwick, Reelfoot Lake and local private ponds. Looking forward to meeting new folks and learning new things.
  3. Thanks FishWitWiz, my cousin caught the one behind Chik Fil A on a square bill crank, black back,chartreuse, and white belly I believe. The one I caught yesterday in the 2nd pic was caught on a 6" Zoom Junebug trickworm (texas rig). Both were released safely back, hope too meet some of you guys soon, everyone seems really friendly!!!
  4. Hey Dan, that is my cousin Jeff, we both live in Brighton, where in T-County do you live Skeeter Dan? We fish Glen Springs a lot and hit Edmund Orgill some, we have a couple ponds but not many, we are looking for some new waters to fish and I stumbled on this thread. Maybe we can meet up sometime and get on some ponds. I was at a private pond in Atoka yesterday Jan 2 and caught this pig. 7lbs
  5. Hi everyone, New to the site, have been reading through this thread, and found a wealth of info, thanks for sharing. My buddy, cousin and I tried the ponds behind Chik fil A on Dec 26 and my cousin hung this nice 5 pounder in the second pond behind Chik fil A.
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