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Everything posted by gettinbreezy

  1. I kind of keep a log right now. I have my fishing camera (fiances' "old" digital cause God forbid I buy a new one for "fishing"). I take a pic of all fish over ten inches and when I save them on the computer I simply save as ..where i caught them/length/#/lure. Its fun to look back at what you have caught and where. Only been doing it since last june so its relatively new but its still a blast to look back at how I was doing this time last year.
  2. My first post ladies and gents...I have the fever of ALWAYS fishing topwater. If Its not a Spro frog, its a popper. If its not a Buzzbait its a torpedo. After about an hour of not catching anything I will switch to the texas rig. Topwater is just to enjoyable to pass up. I'ld rather have the excitement of getting a monster hit on the frog than having the luxury of cathing ten bass on a crankbait or what not.
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