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Everything posted by fishinfool

  1. I would def try to get my hands on the manual. That almost sounds like some version of a flasher form what you described. I didn't even know MK made a depth finder, new one on me. Is it a graph or just a depth finder? ???
  2. Welcome, hope you get all your questions answered and i'm sure you'll learn a lot on this site. I know I have.
  3. I used to be a member of billdanceoutdoors.com and actually still am, but I only check out those forums maybe once a week to see everyones pics of their latest catches. This site has been more helpful than any forum, or book that i've read thus far. The only other site I keep up with daily is the SCBASS.NET and SCBASS.COM sites since i'm located in South Carolina those sites keep me posted on latest tournament schedules and ranks/standings of the past tx.
  4. I agree with everyone else, this site has it all. Stay here for your best chance at learning.
  5. My buddy gave me his old LCR 2000 fish finder but without any power cords or transducer cables. :-/ Just wondering if anyone had some laying around that would match this model. If not, I may end up selling it on EBAY unless someone is interested in it.
  6. https://www.trollingmotorparts.com/18-1055.jpg I think this is what I need, would this be easy to connect to the wires on the TM? Right now the wires on my TM can be directly connected to the batteries, but I plan on hooking it up to the recepticle on the bow.
  7. I just bought a 46lb 42" shaft Minn Kota Bass Pro Tournament Series this weekend while I was at the Bass Pro in Myrtle Beach. Man I love that place. It comes out of the package with just the + and - terminals and no way to hook it up to my 12v outlet, where can do I get the piece to connect to the wires to my outlet and what is that piece called? ??? By the way, I installed the motor on my bass boat last night and everything went perfect, not one problem at all ;D, except for the fact that I don't have power to it yet, but hopefully someone will have the answer to that problem. If you could give me a link to a picture of the item that would be even better, i'm sure BPS has what I need, but i'm not even sure what it is called. Thanks guys.
  8. I just recently borrowed money from the bank, since i'm only 19 and didn't have a credit line, the cheapest thing to do was go to the credit union and get a cash advance on a credit card. The rate on the card is only 6% as opposed to the rate on the loan, which was between 12%-15%.
  9. I think you are talking about a maximizer, correct? I've only seen it on Minn Kota's models.
  10. They are made out of Winyah Bay, SC. I've gotten some feedback from some other people saying that they are very reliable, sturdy boats which is good cuz I put a hurtin on my boats.
  11. I'm a little new to bass boats so here's my scenario, i've got 3 batteries. Two for trolling and what not, and one cranking battery. What all needs to be hooked up where?! I have a peice of positive and negative wire that I can connect 2 batteries with, guessing that would be the 2 non cranking batteries. I can't tell which wires are for the outboard though and which are for the other stuff. How is your rig setup in this department?
  12. Who makes a boat called "Winyah?" It has the figure of a stratos but i can't find anything about it on the web
  13. How about that new prop with the bent tips on it? Does anyone have any feedback on these. I havn't heard a single peep about them.
  14. Oh yeah I totally forgot about wal-mart trolling motors. I looked at them a while back but never made the connection that it was the exact same one that BPS was selling. Are they easy to mount? I've never mounted a TM myself, wonder if I can use the pre-drilled holes from the old TM already on there? Guess we'll find out soon.
  15. I went to the Bass Pro Shop while I was in Myrtle Beach this weekend. I checked out the TM's and the GPS units. They got one GPS in there that is about 12" big and around $2240. You can almost see your house on that thing. I only spent $10 somehow?! I'm going back in like 2 weeks to get a new MINN-KOTA trolling motor, think i'm going to get the 40 lb 42" shaft, foot controlled, 5 speed for $309.00. If anyone knows of any better deals, please let me know.
  16. does it do any good just to put some marine wax on it? besides protecting whats already on it, will that make it shine up any?
  17. light brown and light orange combos have produced good for me down here in South Carolina
  18. How easy/big/expensive of a job would it be to spray it w/ urathane. I'm not looking to put a lot of money into this boat, its an '84 Winyah Bass Boat in great condition, once I re-wire a few things. There aren't any chips in the paint as of now but i'd like to make it shine a little more, its got that dull look to it.
  19. Sorry I didn't make myself clear, I was going to get it done at a shop somewhere. There's no way i'd have time or know-how to do this on my own. I was just wondering how much a shop would charge to do it for me on a 17' boat.
  20. How much would it run me to put a new gel coat on my fiberglass bass boat.
  21. Swerve, check your pm
  22. I've got a small 9' pond boat. I've used it many times but don't have the time anymore. It works great, if you are interested i'm sure I can sell it to you for about $100. I've got a Minn Kota to go along w/ it i'll throw in as well. E-mail at mlong@ipack.com if you're interested. Look forward to hearing from you.
  23. The motor is an 85 horse merc, its an older 1988 model but it runs like a charm. That thing is quicker than any motor i've ever run, and I put my motors to the test everytime on the water. Which plug are you referring too?
  24. These days its hard not to spend more than $5 on anything. Some lures are like $10, no way I could only spend $5.
  25. Hey ya'll I just bought my first bass boat. Regarding the topic of "trim", when you trim your motor up, do you hear a sort of gurgling sound. I don't know wether i'm trimming the motor up to much but I don't think thats the case, maybe i'm wrong. Also, any tips or things you've learned over the years about this topic, I would appreciate hearing.
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