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Everything posted by fishinfool

  1. You could always do like the girl on the commercial does, put a tampon in there and keep fishin! JK of course. Is the hole small enought to fill it with silicon? Is this an aluminum boat? A picture of the hole location may help to make advice a little easier to give and more efficient. Sorry to hear about your misfortune!
  2. First of all, welcome to the forum!!! ;D Second of all, what do you mean start fishing? What'd you stop for? Jk of course, it's my knowlege that bass will start to spawn at a steady 58*, i read this in a Jimmy Houston book about 2 years back....i'm sure some of the other guys will hit you with some more in depth info on this.
  3. What i'm wanting to do is what you did on the rear bench. I want to set 3/4" carpeted wood on my bench...the bench is 1/4" welded aluminum filled with foam so theres nothing to really hold the screw or bolt in place. I didn't know if there was any type of glue or cement out there that would adhere wood to aluminum.
  4. Dude that sounds a little steep for that labor...i'm guessin they got you big with the gas pump and carb huh? I clean my carb every season just to stear clear of any problems that may come up due to lack of maintenance from it.
  5. How did you get the wood to stick to the aluminum?!
  6. Being banned from this site?? Now theres a scary thought... :'(
  7. Congratulations Mike! Can you elaborate on that a little? How long have ya'll been together...I may be ready to make that move here shortly. . . ?
  8. All I can say is....i'm sorry. PLAN A: If she's that kind of girl, get the dozen roses, nice quiet dinner somewhere just the 2 of you, add a dash of alcohol to the mix, and beg for mercy :-[....works everytime, so far PLAN B: Roadwarriors plan :'(
  9. I'm guilty as well. Although, I have yet to get the boat off the trailor before I realized what i'd done.
  10. Size of lake. +-300 acres Any creeks, rivers. negative Geographical location. in the hills of upstate south carolina dominant bait fish, ie.....shad, minnows or? not sure... Where are the spawning grounds located? not sure yet, the water has been so muddy in the past i can't see anything
  11. This is what I did when I was in your position. Be very patient, don't get anxious about buying a boat bc you'll just end up getting one that you aren't 100% satisfied with. Make sure you take the boat for a test drive out on the lake under choppy conditions that way you'll get the real feel for how comfortable the ride really is. Other than that, make sure ALL the electronics work b/c its a pain in the arse to work on fiberglass boat electronic wiring(IMO)...Other than that, get something that suites your needs and the type of fishing you're going to be doing, you can customize the boat to fit your needs for the most part fairly easily, and its fun!! Good luck shopping, i'm sure some of the other guys will chime in with some great advice and info on boat shopping. I should know all there is about it, hell i've bought 3 boats in the past 3 years LOL....and i still have all and use everyone of them, all in great shape. They are the best investment i've ever made so far.... 8-)
  12. I'm going to go with GD on this one. A replica just isn't the same, its not the fish you caught. Anyone can have a replica made of a 20lb fish just by taking some pictures off of the internet and taking them to the taxidermist and having a replica of that fish made and put on THEIR wall. Maybe its just a pride thing but if I get a fish mounted(atleast 10#) it will be the real thing, I don't want to step on any toes here b/c its not really that big of an issue but I would probably be ashamed to have a replica of a fish on my wall as opposed to the real thing. I'm just stubborn like that, maybe i'll come around one day....Oh and I have a question, how much to taxidermist usually charge for their services? I've never had anything stuffed or mounted so I have no clue. But to answer your question JB, no you don't need the actual fish...just take some good pics, the more the marrier..and get all the measurements you can and you'll be set. LOL
  13. Approach this type of lake this time of year. Here are the demographics... 1) water is stained with about 24inches of visibility 2) avg depth is 8-10 feet, max depth 20' in one spot on lake :-? 3) water temp was 55 avg last weekend, i'm thinking it will increase by this weekend 4) good amount of laydowns around the bank, this is where i usually hit first b/c i'm a huge bank fisherman plus i love throwing jigs and t-rig worms around the brush 8-) 5) the lake has been dredged for the past two years, no barges on the lake in about 14 months but it left a huge area of 2' water with lily pads chopped off at the water surface...i tried a spinnerbait here last weekend with no bites(kinda surprised) ok so with these 5 factors what would YOU do? i'm looking to get a few different approaches....i usually go with my instinct and confidence but i'm trying to broaden my abilities so any input will get put to the test on saturday...if you want to know anything else specific about the lake let me know, these were just a few things off the top of my head...THANKS IN ADVICE GUYS & GALS ;D
  14. Thanks man. I'll have to give this a shot on my boats. I do have one question though. How do you figure out the pitch of your prop? This is probably a dumb question but I've never had the need to know the pitch.
  15. That would work fine. I used a 36# Minn Kota on a 300+ acre lake when i first got my 16' jon. This was of course before i could afford the 15hsp i have on there now though...
  16. Sounds like a pretty darn good suggestion to me
  17. I had the same problem once i finally got my boat and started hitting bigger water. I probably didn't catch anything the first 5 times I went out. It's a game of trial and errror, just keep chucking that bait around and you'll find them soon enough. Oh, nice boat by the way! 8-)
  18. hey basser89, isn't that why all the women move down south??? sorry ya'll, i had to say it!
  19. I have a 16' semi v-hull and i just put a 46# minn kota tourney series on the bow this year. Works great, its more than enough power for 3 ppl with gear and everything else in there. The price was a little more than i wanted to spend but it was well worth it. I'm pleased with this.
  20. There won't be a difference as long as you line up the motor head with the bow of the boat EXACTLY. I can't remember the reasoning for why most guys put the motors on the right side.
  21. i just got home from lake hartwell...didn't get much chance to fish since i was taking the family out but IMO. if the fish aren't in pre-spawn yet, it will be very very soon. the temps are up right now but its still early march, they could easily fall back down and give us another snow storm b4 spring comes around. keep your fingers crossed that this weather hangs in there and we'll have an early and long spawn this year!!!
  22. I paid $2100 for my 16' vhull, came with built in livewell, lockbox, carpet floors, 4 seats, 2 benches, all aluminum, and 1 36lb minn kota on the back as well as the trailor. this boat was only used about 4 times before i bought it and it's a 1996. it was in emaculate shape when i got it but i've put some wear and tear onit since then. i just recently purchased a bass boat so i haven't been using the jon as much. i did put a 15 hsp yamaha on it though, best money i've ever spent! so all in all your deal sounds like a good steal, does it come with the trailor??!
  23. would our BAU meetings be held at the lake? i think it's only appropriate! welcome aboard man, thers a wealth of knowledge here...
  25. I'm with cart7!!! Hey LR you can fax those directions anytime you're ready, cya in the morning about 930-ish?
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