This is what I did when I was in your position. Be very patient, don't get anxious about buying a boat bc you'll just end up getting one that you aren't 100% satisfied with. Make sure you take the boat for a test drive out on the lake under choppy conditions that way you'll get the real feel for how comfortable the ride really is. Other than that, make sure ALL the electronics work b/c its a pain in the arse to work on fiberglass boat electronic wiring(IMO)...Other than that, get something that suites your needs and the type of fishing you're going to be doing, you can customize the boat to fit your needs for the most part fairly easily, and its fun!! Good luck shopping, i'm sure some of the other guys will chime in with some great advice and info on boat shopping. I should know all there is about it, hell i've bought 3 boats in the past 3 years LOL....and i still have all and use everyone of them, all in great shape. They are the best investment i've ever made so far.... 8-)