Yeah , boating stupidity has and will continue to be a big issue. I think it’s because of several reasons. 1. Alcohol ( No explanation needed ). 2. Boater education. If the same level of liscensing with boating as is involved with driving was enforced it would help some . Im generally against more laws though , so at least some kind of required boater course would be beneficial. 3. Perception. By this I mean people in general just think boating is easy-they just dont think it’s dangerous- and it can be, especially with all 3 or any combination of the other reasons at work.
Back in my younger days I had my bass boat parked at a girlfriend’s house in her canal. I took her out for a dusk ride. She was up in a creek so we rode out into where the creek got much bigger. Theres a bridge out there, so we went out to it, turned around and started back. We passed a boat on the way back that was flying towards the bridge , full of people on it hollering etc. We went way up a side creek after that and turned off the motor to hear the swamp sounds . Night had fallen , and We started seeing lights on the horizon . We got curious and rode back out to see what was going on. There were a lot of flashing lights out by the bridge. Since we were closer to her house, we went there. Found out the next day the boat we had passed had hit the bridge and a pretty girl I knew from high school had died- alcohol was involved.... Very sad but avoidable.