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N Florida Mike

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Everything posted by N Florida Mike

  1. They do the same things in Fl. Hated that FWC had to put this one down, because it was a state record by far. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-biggest-florida-bear-killed-20150121-story.html?outputType=amp
  2. I liked the tags I bought , but they went up , from something around 28.00 a dozen, up to 40 something I think. 28.00 a dozen seemed high to me to start with. I want to be able to at least I.D each individual fish somehow ,not just make the same mark on every fish, which wouldnt tell me anything... When I did it the first time, I only did 24 fish. Only 3 were ever recaught. Im wondering if the tags fell off because its been probably 6-7 years since I tagged them. All 3 of the re-caught fish were caught again within the year I tagged them. 1 fishwas released without getting the fishes number to record. The other 2 were both recaught near where they were first caught. Its very interesting to me. I would love to have info. on fish movement in the lake especially, and growth. Also what it was caught and re-caught on.
  3. ? ... But then I might as well bite the bullet and buy fish tags. ( If Im going to buy livestock tags.) Maybe looking at them will give me an idea of something I could make though...
  4. its a private lake anyway so...
  5. I live on a small lake that I try to manage the fishing on. I did a little tagging but then the company I got the tags from nearly doubled the prices. Im on a very limited budget ( almost no funds for it ) so I was wondering if anyone knows of an inexpensive way to tag them without ordering tags from somewhere. Or at least low cost tags from somewhere. I am very interested in this. It would be fun and educational for me to tag in my lake. Even if you dont have a tag solution, but have some stories about tagging, it would be welcomed.
  6. Ive actually thought about it. About all I do is let all the fish over 16 go, and keep some occasionally between 12-16, since there’s so many that size. I do still get a lot of skinny fish though. Even the big one from yesterday should have weighed at least over 5 , at 22 inch. I actually tagged a few fish but the place I got the tags from nearly doubled the prices so I quit. Wish I could figure out a homemade way to do it myself... Im going to do a topic for br now on that subject, thanks for bringing it to my mind...
  7. So I had a fish break my line today. Of course , I mumbled and grumbled to myself, trying to understand why. This was early in the morning. I fished all morning and came in with some fish to eat , and thin the herd a little.( I dont keep anything over 16 inch.) Anyway, I get through filleting the fish , and glanced one more time to make sure I had got them all. Then I see a worm and hook in the bottom of the cooler. Im 100% sure it’s the one that broke off. Same worm and hook. I know its the same hook because it was the only one I had just like that...my last gammy 3/0 w/g in bronze. I must have caught the same fish that broke my line later on somewhere and somehow didn’t notice the extra worm and hook. And it’s strange that he was able to work it loose or spit it up somehow. Cant think of another possible scenario...? And I feel better about the fish that broke the line- now I know it wasnt a hawg...
  8. Got 16 today in the rain, including this 4 .6 on a rage tail cut-r.
  9. Thanks everyone. I decided to go fish in the rain and wind anyway. ( Nor’easter) Glad I did, the fish were biting better than they have been since before mid- summer. Caught the first 10 in an hour and a half , all on a Bruiser 10.5 inch curly tail worm in green pumpkin. It was like someone had turned off the light switch after that, but I managed 5 more for the morning, including a 4 pound 6 oz , 22 inch fish. I caught it on a rage tail cut-r, in the green pumpkin/ june bug color( whatever they call it). Got soaked to the skin, but it’s bath day anyhow!!?
  10. Was up early ready to go. Messing with baits, changing hooks, moved a reel to a different rod. Rarin’ to go at sunup... and it’s pouring rain ? Did get a 2 pounder on a worm at the dock when it slacked up for a minute. Hopefully I can go later... 60 birthday today. “ Long in the tooth but blessed.
  11. I use rooster tails in the winter when the weeds die down some- and get lots of action from smaller bass, and the occasional bream. Also caught my biggest speck on one...
  12. ‘72 dodge polara ,,with a 360 under the hood.Big ol car I bought from my uncle for 60.00. Within a month I had already busted out the motor mounts from going muddin’ etc. Got it up to 110 once with no problem. Dated my first love in it and traded it for a ford ranger after we broke up. It would be interesting to know where it is now- probably out in a lonesome junkyard somewhere... It looked like this without the white roof...same color, but mine was a 4 door.
  13. My friend caught a cowboy boot once. I told him “ Quick, throw back there again, and maybe you’ll catch the other one”? He wasnt amused...
  14. Appropriate user name there, @brrbass ?
  15. Zoom super fluke 4” yamamoto senko Zoom trick worm 7.5 inch culprit worm Zoom uv speed worm Zoom speed craw Mr Twister 10 inch ribbon tail worm zoom baby brush hog Zoom z-hog 5 inch yum dinger producto tournament worms Zoom 6” Lizard
  16. Ive caught more bass on flukes than any other bait since I started using them around 20 years ago. I CATCH 90% OF MINE DEADSTICKING. Just throw em out, and let em sink. 3/0 wide gap gammy hook with no weight. The rest I catch pulling them over weeds mostly. I have never caught many by twitching them...
  17. Watermelon seed watermelon Red Junebug Green pumpkin Red shad
  18. This is my favorite picture of my wife.
  19. Our bass club members were all friends... I don’t remember any conflicts, not even with other tournaments going on at the same time. A large part of the reason was that we either fished big lakes with plenty of room, or small, backwoods water bodies with no one else there. And the fact that most of us went to the same church...?
  20. I read it over and will probably enter . I tend to have trouble getting started due to my own “ technical difficulties “ So I tend to put it off as long as possible... Best wishes and prayers for Aaron !
  21. I set out a live shiner one night and went in the house for a little while. When I came back out something had taken my bait up into a bush on my property line.. I couldn’t get to it from the bank so I went over in the J.boat. When I parted the branches to get the bait, an owl was up in there staring at me. I wasnt sure if he was tangled in the line or ate the shiner but there he was. I cut the line and he went up higher in the bush. He was gone the next morning...
  22. I told the owner of my old company “I love you” once when I hung up, because I said it to my wife so much . She said “ uh “ a couple times before I realized what I had said and apologized. ?
  23. Nice sunset last night...
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