I remember those days. You didn’t want to miss a chance at a deer or hog on the way to or from school.
We had numerous bad fistfights but don’t remember anyone pulling a knife. Police were never called.
We did have a stranger walking around one day in our high school. Our dean of students, Dr McCall, ( who was a descendant of Osceola the seminole cheif) confronted the stranger. He was in his late 50s, and the stranger in his 30s.The man told him he could go anywhere he wanted in the school because as a taxpayer he paid Dr McCall’s salary.
Dr McCall invited him off school property for a fistfight ( he loved his students and was trying to get him off school property ) The man agreed and they went across the road, jumped the barbwire fence , and it was on. Many of the students heard about it and went out to watch, including teachers.
In a little while the man was seen limping away with his head down at an angle taking him as far from the school as possible . Dr McCall came in without a scratch, smiled at us , and went back to work. Police were not called. Problem taken care of…