I have tried eating nearly everything I’ve caught.
I don’t consider bullheads trash fish - they are delicious!
Once I caught 27 salt water cats. I kept them , skinned them, and fried them . They weren’t bad…
We also used to catch sailor’s choice and they were fair at best, but they had some of the nastiest guts when cleaning them.
Some of you may doubt I did this , but it’s true. I used to catch big golden shiners. One day I cleaned a few and momma fried em up. My first mouthful tasted good, but then I realized there were a million little bones in with the meat. I could not find any part of that fish that was different.!
Some people consider amberjack a trash fish because of the sea worms they have, but they don’t bother me. When you fry it, they disentegrate anyway, and besides, it’s extra protein..
Ive eaten fried shark and it was too strong tasting. But shark soaked in milk for a few days, then smoked, is outstanding!
The worst fish I tried eating was a jack crevalle. Momma fried him up too, and it was all blood and bones. That was my last attempt to eat one.
I caught another one later out of the lower st Johns river near the ocean. Some Chinese people that didn’t speak english came up and by their gestures and smiles, and excited dialogue, I could tell they wanted the fish. I tried telling them the fish wasn’t fit to eat, but they kept on, so I finally gave it to them. I’ve always wondered what they thought when they tried eating it…?