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N Florida Mike

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Everything posted by N Florida Mike

  1. First 2 are parts of my home lake. The 3rd is Georges lake.
  2. Big snapper at the dock this morning… The bream kept their distance haha…
  3. Not far from it. The lake is about 40 feet from the back door…
  4. Starting to catch big shiners again, which bodes well for the bass forage…and they put up a decent fight on an ultra lite! Also , the bream are fired up !!
  5. Got a 20 inch fish on a black/grape culprit worm with a blue tail…
  6. Mad dog was the first wine I had and boones farm was the last. One reason out of many I quit drinking 40 years ago…?
  7. This was what I was fixing to say ^^^
  8. I don’t know if Key West has cherry trees or not, but I don’t remember them having mountains …? The sign on the building says “southernmost bakery in the US”. Key west is the southernmost point in the continental US and you would think they have a bakery there so…that’s how I came up with it. I didn’t realize Hawaii is further south….
  9. I’ve done some saltwater offshore, and a lot of inshore and surf fishing. Offshore it’s been mostly bottom fishing for various types of snapper, grouper , sea bass, amberjacks.etc Inshore is mostly targeting Redfish, flounder , sheephead , black drum etc. Surf fishing is whiting, pompano,, bluefish, sharks… Freshwater besides bass Ive done a lot of bream and catfishing, and a lesser amount of speck fishing. If I only had one fish I could fish for though, it would be bass of course..
  10. we had winds up to around 50 except the News just said we had a gust over hurricane strength. Power never went out. We Had about 4 inches of rain, mostly overnight. It washed the rest of the lakes algae out , so it’s clear now. The roof leaked again even though I had 3 tarps up?. Our coast is a mess, especially South of us. Daytona was esp. hard hit .St augustine flooded badly as usual. No tornadoes near us this time though . It was basically like a 24 hour thunderstorm without the thunder…
  11. The latest sunset…a big change from the last 3 days…
  12. Where’s that, key west?
  13. Yes, I caught all the fish with it as a trailer I was thinking about it today and caught one out back on it between storm bands…?
  14. Caught several actually… Largely because of your encouragement!
  15. I had my worst year in 15 years. Numbers and size. On a positive note, I got to fish a couple times in a old favorite lake I hadn’t fished in 30 years, and we did well both times .
  16. Well, at least you’re ok. Your truck looks like mine after some relatives totaled it… Hope things are better soon !
  17. This ^^^
  18. I enjoy these kinds of fishing stories. I’m tired of all the instructional articles. Well done, Katie!
  19. Not me ! Ive been fishing 58 years now, and have never quit or even slowed down for very long. I broke my thumb in 3 places once and learned to cast left handed that week! I think it was around a week after getting a hook in my eye that I was back at it. So , no , I will fish until the Lord calls me home…or until Im physically unable …
  20. Not my favorite holiday but I had some good times with it. Back in the day every home around here had kids. Halloween night had the streets full of kids roaming around with no parents.( Unless they were real young) We didnt have streetlights until I was 8 or 9, so that made it more mysterious! Lots of woods around too, which added more scariness. When I was around 18 I put a sheet over me and put a straw hat on top. I sat motionless in a chair by the front door. When kids would come up, I would sit motionless while they tried to decide if I was real or not… then move and scare the crap out of them. My favorite reaction was from the 2 pretty older teen girls that came up. They got up close trying to see if I was real or not. I waited until they turned to leave and jumped up. They screamed and jumped and ran off laughing like girls do. I did not get their numbers though…?
  21. I caught a 7.3 on one. Highly recommend!
  22. Ever since the shoe incident. ^^^ ? @Catt , did you know the series is now tied at 33-33-3?
  23. No analysis here. No dog in this hunt for me… But a Gator will take Smoky over Uga any day…
  24. I went again for a couple hours before dark. Since I didnt have long , I stayed at the upper end of the lake . Since I fished the west shoreline the other day, today I fished the east side. Strange how fish bite one day, and then 2 days later it’s different. The other day they wanted anything with a curly tail tight to the bank . All I could catch them on today was green pumpkin yum dingers out 5-10 feet off the bank . All generally the same size, these being the biggest.Ended up with 7.
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