I owe most of my work ethic to my dad. He was born in 1918, the oldest of 3 siblings in the SW Virginia mountains. At some point , his dad and mom separated, and he had to work to provide for his mom and siblings.
He didnt want to be a coal miner like grandpa, so he eventually moved down into NC to find work and got with the railroad, met my mom, and was transferred to Florida.
He had me doing outdoor chores as far back as I remember. We had a big garden in back that took a lot of work.
I didn’t like working at home as I got older, because it interfered with outdoor pursuits and sports, but I obeyed .
There was never any question in my mind I would work, because my dad modeled it for me . The longest I’ve gone without working my whole adult life was a three week period when I was between jobs.
That being said , I have a lazy side I have to stay on top of, even though I still work app . 56 hours a week, and do most of my property upkeep. IMO My generation generally had it easier than my dad’s because they worked so hard to make our lives better than what they had to go through…